L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
May 31
p. 500
Ordered, that M.r Hanson be added to the committee appointed
to inspect the accounts and proceedings of the commissioners ap-
pointed by virtue of the act for the payment of the public claims, for
emitting bills of credit and for other purposes therein mentioned.
Ordered that M.r Worthington, M.r N. Thomas, and M.r Bordley
be added to the committee appointed to inspect into the several public
offices, and report to the house the state and condition of them.
Ordered that M.r Ringgold and M.r Bordley be added to the
committee appointed to make an estimate of the salaries of three
judges of the provincial court and also to consider of ways and
means to defray the expence thereof, and report the same.
The petition of the inhabitants of Chestertown, read a second time,
and leave given to bring in a bill agreeable to the prayer thereof.
Ordered that M.r Ringgold, M.r Bordley, M.r Buchannan, M.r Holly-
day, M.r M Tilghman and M.r Hall do prepare and bring in the same.
M.r Hayward brings in and delivers to M.r speaker, a bill entituled,
an act for the adjournment and continuance of Talbot, Baltimore,
and Csecil County courts. Which is read the first time and ordered
to lie on the table. M.r Chase brings in and delivers to M.r speaker,
the following report
By the committee appointed to make an estimate of the salaries
of three judges of the provincial court, and also to consider of ways
and means to defray the expence thereof, and report the same,
May 31.st 1768.