L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
May 26
M.r Hayward, M.r Allen, and M.r Sullivane, a committee to state
the facts relating to indian affairs, and make report to the house
M.r John Eden, a delegate returned for Saint Marys County; ap-
peared in the house
Ordered that M.r Parran and M.r Gantt do go with the gentleman
to the upper house to see him qualified. They return and acquaint
M.r speaker, they saw him qualified in the usual manner.
The gentleman took his seat in the house.
p. 494
M.r speaker communicated to the house a letter from Thomas
Cushing esquire, speaker of the house of representatives for Massa-
chusetts Bay, respecting the late acts of parliament imposing duties
on the colonies for the sole purpose of raising a revenue. Also the
following letter from Peyton Randolph esquire, speaker of the house
of burgesses for the colony of Virginia, and copy of a resolve of
the said house
Virginia May 5.th 1767.
The house of burgesses of this colony in their last session directed
me to transmit to you the inclosed resolution which was formed with
a design to be laid before your assembly for their concurrence; and
to point out to that respectable body, the out lines of an act they are
desirous should pass for building a light house on Cape Henry. The
advantages that will result to the trade of both colonies, and the
safety that will be procured to many of our fellow subjects, should
such a work be accomplished, leave me no room to doubt, that your
legislature will readily join us in so useful an undertaking. I must
request of you, sir, to take their sentiments on this subject, as soon
as you can, and hope it may appear so necessary to you as to claim
your assistance. It gives me particular pleasure that this part of my
duty affords me an opportunity of expressing my esteem for your
character, and of assuring you that I am with the greatest respect,
your most obedient servant
Peyton Randolph
Resolved, that a light-house be erected on Cape Henry, for the
convenience of vessels trading to this colony; and that the expence
of building and maintaining such light-house be defrayed by a duty
on the tonnage of vessels, not exceeding six pence per ton, for, and
during the term of five years; and after that term, what other sum
shall be found necessary to be paid by the owners or masters, once
every voyage at the time of their clearing out, to be collected and
received by the respective collectors or officers who shall be appointed
to receive the same, and by them to be accounted for and paid to the
treasurer of this colony, for the time being, appointed by, or pursu-
ant to an act of assembly for the uses and purposes aforesaid. And,
that the speaker of this house be desired to transmit this resolution
to the speaker of the house of representatives of the province of