To his excellency Horatio Sharpe esquire; governor and commander
in chief in and over the province of Maryland
The humble address of the house of delegates
May it please your excellency
We his majesty's most dutiful and loyal subjects the delegates
of the freemen of Maryland, in general assembly convened return
your excellency our hearty thanks for your speech at the opening of
this session.
We will take into consideration the several matters recommended
by your excellency, and give them all the attention that is due to the
nature and importance of them. And as your excellency is pleased to
recommend the letters from Sir William Johnson, and the business
of the Indians to our consideration, in the first place, they shall be
the subject of our immediate deliberations.
As we have nothing more at heart than the welfare and happiness
of the people of this province, the assurances your excellency is
pleased to give us, that we shall always find you ready to concur
with us in every proper measure we can propose for the public good,
cannot but merit our most grateful acknowledgements
Which was read and assented to, and signed by order of the house
by the honorable speaker
Ordered that M.r Hayward and M.r Beall do acquaint his ex-
cellency that this house hath prepared an address to be presented to
him, and desires to know when and where he will be pleased to
receive it. They return and acquaint M.r speaker, that his excellency
signified he would receive the address to morrow morning in the
conference chamber
The house appoints M.r Tyler, M.r Parran, M.r Chase, M.r John-
son, M.r Hayward, M.r Goldsborough, and M.r Mackall, a committee
to inspect into the several public offices, and report to the house the
state and condition of them
On motion, ordered, that M.r Johnson, M.r Goldsborough, and
M.r N. Thomas be a Committee to enquire what laws will expire this
session, and make report thereof to the house
M.r Edward Gantt and M.r Charles Grahame, delegates returned
for Calvert County, appeared in the house
Ordered that M.r Parran and M.r Mackall do go with those gentle-
men to the upper house to see them qualified.
They return and acquaint M.r speaker, that the gentlemen were
qualified in the usual manner.
The gentlemen took their seats in the house
Ordered, that the petition relating to indian affairs, be again read.
The house appoints M.r Johnson, M.r Hollyday, M.r Ringgold,
L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
May 26