U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
June 22
which we find has been frequently rejected, and doubt not on
Sufficient Reasons, and by your State of the Matter appears, to have
been relinquished, ever since the Year Seventeen hundred and fifty
If your Honours incline to pass the Ordinance agreeable to Our
Message, We shall prepare it, if not, the Claims proposed to be
provided for must lye over
Signed by Order T: Wright Cl: Lo: Ho:
Read the following Request of Upton Scott One of the Executors
of John Ross, late Clerk of this House Deceased
To the Honourable the Upper House of Assembly
The Subscriber, One of the Executors of John Ross Esq,,r De-
ceased, being informed since the Delivery of M.r Ross's Account,
for transcribing the Council and Upper House Journals, in the
Years 1739 and 1740. to this Honourable House, that it will appear,
on the Journal of Accounts for the Year 1740., that the Allowance,
then made him, was in full for that Service, requests the Claim, for
a Sum still appearing to be due, on M.r Ross's Account, may be
waved until the Matter can be more fully looked into
UScott Ex.r of John Ross Deceased.
In Consequence whereof the following Message is sent by Benedict
Calvert Esq,,r
By the Upper House of Assembly 22d June 1768.
M.r Ross's Executor having, in Consequence of some Information
he has received since he Exhibited to this House the Account we
sent You with Our Message of Yesterday, desired that his Claim
might be waved, till he can have an Opportunity of making further
Enquiry, We agree to its being left out the Ordinance not doubting
p. 405
but that if he can make it appear at a future Session, that the
Allowance made to M.r Ross was really inadequate to his Services,
and less in Proportion than that you proposed to be made to M.r
Ducket, You will be ready to make such further Allowance to M.r
Ross's Executors, as may be agreeable to Justice and Equity
Signed by Order U Scott Cl: Up: Ho:
Adjourned until 3 of the Clock in the Afternoon
Eodem Die Post Meridiem
This House met again according to Adjournment.
Present as in the Morning
Mess.rs Grahame and Dickinson bring up from the Lower House
the following Ordinance Viz.t For the immediate Reimbursement
of His Excellency Horatio Sharpe Esq.r Governor, his Account of