The Upper House. 321
Supplies to the Nanticoke Indians, and for Payment of Cap.t Rich-
ard Pearis for his Services to this Province, during the late War,
and for Payment of John Ducket, for finding a Book, and transcrib-
ing the Notes and Proceedings of the Lower House of Assembly
from the Year Seventeen hundred and four until the Year Seventeen
hundred and fifteen inclusive. It is Ordained by His Excellency the
Governor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, that the
Committee of both Houses of Assembly, appointed to inspect the
Office and Proceedings of the late Commissioners, for paying off
the Public Claims for Emitting Bills of Credit, Established by Act
of Assembly, shall pay to His Excellency the Governor, or his Order,
One hundred and twenty three Dollars and two thirds of a Dollar,
to Cap.t Richard Pearis or his Order four hundred Dollars, and to
John Ducket or his Order One hundred and twenty four Dollars
and two thirds of a Dollar, out of the Bills of Credit now in the
Office belonging to the Province.
U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
June 22
22d June 1768. Read
and assented to by
the Lower House of
Signed by Order
Rob,,t Lloyd Speaker Hor,,o Sharpe
22d June 1768 Read
and assented to by
the Upper House of
Signed by Order
Bened,,t Calvert.
Benedict Calvert Esq,,r brings in the following Report.
31,,st May 1768.
Maryland ss,,
At a Committee of both Houses of Assembly, appointed to Inspect
the Office and Proceedings of the late Commissioners, for Paying
off the Public Claims, and Emitting Bills of Credit, Established by
Act of Assembly
Benedict Calvert Esq,,r
The Honble and
of the Upper House
Walter Dulany Esq,,r
M.r Charles Grahame
M,,r Thomas Ringgold
p. 406
M.r Henry Steele
M.r Brice T B Worthington
M.r Josias Beall Junr
M,,r Robert Tyler
M.r John Hanson Jun.r
M.r John Eden and
M.r James Dickinson
M.r Robert Buchanan
Who make Choice of, and appoint the Honourable Benedict Cal-
vert Esq.r Chairman, and James Brooks their Clerk and agree to
make the following Report Viz,,t
Your Committee find, that, by an Account from the Trustees in
London dated 21st May 1767. that there was then £31,000 Capital
Stock in the Bank of England, belonging to the Province, which
Cost £39,179,,17,,6. and a Balance of £1235,,4,,4 not invested