We are also willing that an Allowance should be immediately made
to M.r John Ducket, for transcribing the Book you mention, if, at
the same time, you will agree to Satisfy a Claim M.r Ross, the late
Clerk of this House, had on the Public, for a Similar Service by
him performed, in pursuance of An Order of both Houses in the
Years 1739 and 1740., for which he was never paid, a Copy of which
Account is herewith transmitted
Signed by Order UScott Cl: Up: Ho
Mess,,rs Allen and Griffith bring up the following Engrossed Bill
Read and assented to by the Lower House of Assembly A Bill
Entitled An Additional Supplementary Act to the Act Entitled An
Act for the Establishment of Religious Worship, within this Prov-
ince according to the Church of England, and for the Maintenance
of Ministers, this Bill Read and Assented to by this House, and
Ordered to be so Subscribed the Paper Bills so Endorsed sent by
John Ridout Esq..r
Adjourned until to Morrow Morning 10 of the Clock
U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
June 21
Wednesday Morning 22d June 1768.
This House met again according to Adjournment
Present as Yesterday except Col,,o Hammond.
Mess.rs Selby and Tyler bring up a Bill, Entitled An Act to enable
Thomas Hunt, Executor of William Hunt late of London Merchant
Deceased, and Jonathan Smith Executor of Peter Bayard late of
Cecil County Deceased, to pay the Monies therein mentioned
Read the first and second time, in the Lower House, and will
Read the first and second time by an Especial Order in this House
and will Pass, with the following Amendments
Strike out in the 4.th line from the bottom the Words "two and
a half" and insert in place thereof the Word "five" sent by John
Ridout Esqr
Also an Engrossed Bill Read and assented to by the Lower House
of Assembly Entitled An Act for the Relief of the Poor within the
several Counties therein mentioned This Bill Read and assented to
by this House and Ordered to be so Subscribed, the Paper Bill so
Endorsed sent by John Ridout Esq.r
Mess,,rs Dickison and Mackall, from the Lower House, bring the
following Message
By the Lower House of Assembly 22d June 1768.
May it please your Honours
We cannot agree to make any Allowance to M.r Ross's Executors,
upon a Claim so ancient as the Year seventeen hundred and forty,
p. 404
June 22