U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
June ai
Present as in the Morning
Mess.rs Goldsborough and Eden bring up the following Message
By the Lower House of Assembly 21st June 1768.
May it please your Honours
We are preparing an Ordinance for the immediate Reimbursement
of His Excellency the Governor, his Account of Supplies to the
Nanticoke Indians, and for Payment of Capt,,t Richard Pear is, for
his Services to this Province, during the late War, and for Payment
to John Ducket, for Supplying a Book, and transcribing therein the
Votes and Proceedings of the Lower House of Assembly, from the
Year Seventeen hundred and four, until Seventeen hundred and
p. 403
fifteen inclusive, by the Committee of both Houses of Assembly
appointed to inspect the Office and Proceedings of the late Com-
missioners, for paying off the Public Claims and Emitting Bills of
Credit, Established by Act of Assembly, out of the Bills of Credit
now in the Office, belonging to the Country, and hope for your
Honours Concurrence
Signed by Order T: Wright Cl: Lo: Ho:
Mess.rs Selby and Mackall bring up the following Engrossed Bills
Read and assented to by the Lower House of Assembly
A Bill Entitled An Act for the Relief of the Reverend John
McPherson of Charles County.
A Bill Entitled An Act for the Relief of certain Languishing Pris-
oners, in the several Goals therein mentioned
A Bill Entitled An Act for Licensing Ordinary Keepers, Hawkers,
Pedlars, and Petty Chapmen
Mess,,rs Buchanan and Gant bring up the following Engrossed
Bill, Read and assented to by the Lower House of Assembly, A Bill
Entitled An Act for amending and declaring the Law in the Cases
therein mentioned.
These Bills Read and assented to by this House and Ordered to
be so Subscribed, the Paper Bills, so Endorsed, sent by Walter
Dulany Esqr
Read the second time, and will Pass, the Bill Entitled An Act
for the Relief of the Poor within the several Counties therein
mentioned, Sent by John B: Bordley Esq,,r and also the following
Message, together with a Copy of M.r Ross's Claim against the
By the Upper House of Assembly 2l.st June 1768.
Any Ordinance you may prepare for Reimbursing his Excellency
the Money he advanced on Account of the Nanticoke Indians, and for
an Allowance to Cap.t Pearis in Consideration of his Services to this
Province, during the War, will meet with Our Ready Concurrence,