Mess.rs Ringgold and Key bring up the Bill, Entitled An Act for
amending and declaring the Law in the Cases therein mentioned,
together with the following Message
By the Lower House of Assembly 21.st June 1768.
May it please your Honours
This House agree to the Passage of the Bill Intitled "An Act for
amending and declaring the Law in the several Cases therein men-
U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
June 21
tioned" with all your proposed Amendments except the Fifth, which,
we are apprehensive, might be productive of too much Delay, and
therefore inconvenient in the County Courts as those Courts do not
generally sit seven Days at One time, We therefore propose that
instead of the fifth Amendment the Proviso be as follows Viz,,t
"Provided always that such Award shall remain seven days in the
Provincial Court, during their Sitting, if returned to the Provincial
Court, or three days in the Respective County Courts, during their
Sitting, if Returned to any County Court, after the Return thereof,
before any such Judgment shall be entered up, And if it shall appear
to the Justices of the Court, to which any such Award shall be
returned within the Respective times aforesaid, that the same was
obtained by Fraud, or Malpractice, in or by Surprize, Imposition,
or Deception of the Arbitrators, or without due Notice to the
Parties, or their Attorney, or Attornies, it shall, and may be lawful
for the said Court, to set aside such Award, and refuse to give
Judgment thereon"
Signed by Order T: Wright Cl: Lo: Ho:
The following Message is sent by John Ridout Esq,,r together
with the Bill Entitled "An Act for amending and declaring the
Law in the Cases therein mentioned"
By the Upper House of Assembly 21.st June 1768.
In Answer to your Message of this Day, by Mess,,rs Ringgold
and Key, this House agrees to pass the Bill Entitled "An Act for
amending and declaring the Law in the Cases, therein mentioned,"
according to your Proposition in the said Message
Signed by Order UScott Cl: Up: Ho:
Read and recommended the Petition of Joshua Vansant, sent by
John B: Bordley Esq,,r
Adjourned until 3 of the Clock in the Afternoon
Eodem Die Post Meridiem
This House met again according to Adjournment.
p. 402