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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 268   View pdf image (33K)
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268 Assembly Proceedings, November 1-December 6, 1766.

Liber H. S.

No. 1

payment of the publick Claims for Emitting Bills of Credit and for
other Purposes therein mentioned According to the purport and
Tenor of the same Act so that none may be prejudiced by my Con-
sent Privity or Procurement So help me God

sioners to
direct the
Printing of
the Bills, &c]

And be it Further Enacted that the said Commissioners after
they are so Qualified shall proceed to give directions for Printing
the same Bills of Credit According to the Directions of this Act and
after the same are so printed shall sign and Number the same Bills
as is hereby directed and the same so Signed shall keep and deposite
in one of the Strong Iron Chests now in the late Paper Currency
Office with two Strong Substantial and different Locks and that

p. 662

each Commissioner or Trustee shall keep a Key to the end that no
Bills of Credit which shall be Signed be taken out or disposed of
but by or in the presence of both the Commissioners which Chest
shall be by them kept in the repository of the said Office

[The Com-
missioners to
employ a

And be it Enacted that for the more Regular Management of the
Affairs relating to the Trust of the said Commissioners, the Com-
missioners aforesaid are hereby impowered to choose and employ a
fit and able person for their Clerk who shall before he enters the

[The Clerk
to enter into

Execution of his said Office before some Provincial Justice enter
into Bond with sufficient Sureties Jointly and Severally in the
Penalty of Fifteen hundred Pounds Current Money payable to the
Lord Proprietary conditioned for his Faithful and honest Discharge
of his duty of Clerk aforesaid and his keeping True, fair and regular
Accounts and Entries of the Proceedings of the said Commissioners
and shall also before such Justice who is hereby impowered and
required to Administer the same take the Several Oaths appointed
by Law to be taken to the Government Subscribe the Oath of Abju-
ration and repeat and Subscribe the Test and take the following
Oath to wit, I A. B. do swear that I will truly and faithfully per-
form and execute the Office and duty that is directed and required
of me as Clerk of the Commissioners for emitting Bills of Credit
by a Law of this Province entituled an Act for the payment of
the publick Claims for emitting Bills of Credit and for other pur-
poses therein mentioned and I will keep a Just and true Account
of all Bills of Credit which shall be Issued and paid out of the said
Office and the names of those to whom the same shall be paid and
Delivered and all other Necessary Accounts relating to the said
Bills of Credit and true Entries make of all other proceedings and
Transactions of the said Commissioners without any fraudulent
Practice whatsoever So help me God.

[The Clerk's
Bond to be
recorded in
the Provin-
cial Office]

And be it Further Enacted that the respective Provincial Justice
before whom any of the said Bonds shall be entered into shall
indorse an Order under his hand on the Back of the same Bond
requiring the Clerk of the Provincial Court immediately to Record
among the Land Records of his Office the said Bond and Order

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 268   View pdf image (33K)
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