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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 267   View pdf image (33K)
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Acts. 267

may be made shall be delivered by the printer to the said Com-
missioners under the Penalty of Five hundred Pounds Current

Liber H. S.
No. 1

Money to be recovered as aforesaid and the said Commissioners are
hereby directed and required to receive the said Stamps and flowers
into their possession and the same safely keep in their Office under
the penalty of Five hundred pounds Current Money to be recovered
as aforesaid

[The Stamps
and Flowers
to be deliv-
ered to the

And be it Further Enacted that any person or persons who shall
counterfeit any of the said Bills of Credit or who shall forge any
Bills of Exchange directed to be drawn by this Act or alter the
sum Expressed in any of the said Bills of Credit or Bills of Ex-
change and his her or their Aiders or Abettors or who shall utter
or offer or cause to be uttered or Offered in payment any such coun-
terfeit or altered Bills of Credit or Bills of Exchange knowing the
same to be Counterfeit or altered and shall be thereof Convict by
due course of Law or stand mute or peremptorily challenge above
the Number of twenty of the Pannel shall suffer Death as a Felon
or Felons without Benefit of Clergy And all Persons into whose
hands any of the said counterfeit Bills may happen to come shall
forthwith deliver the same to some Provincial Justice who shall
cause the name of those that delivered them and of the persons
from whom they were taken to be indorsed on the Back thereof
which Bills shall be safely kept by the said Provincial Justice and
be forthcoming when there may be Occasion thereof

feiting Bills
of Credit, or
Bills of Ex-
change, to
p. 661

And be it Further Enacted that the Right Honourable the Lord
Proprietary or the Governor or Commander in Chief of this Prov-
ince for the time being shall and may Nominate and appoint two
Commissioners to emitt the said Bills of Credit and shall or may

remove them or cither of them in case of Misbehaviour or unfitness

to Act if it shall appear to his Lordship or the Governor or Com-
mander in Chief that the Welfare of this Province shall require
such removal

[Two Com-
missioners to
be nominated
by the

And be it Further Enacted that the said Commissioners before
they enter upon the Execution of their said Trust shall each of
them before some Provincial Justice enter into Bond with Sufficient
Sureties Jointly and severally in the penalty of Three Thousand
pounds Sterling payable to the Lord Proprietary Conditioned for the
Observance and faithful discharge of the Trust hereby reposed in
them and shall also before such Justice (who is hereby impowered
and required to Administer the same) take the Several Oaths ap-
pointed by Law to be taken to the Government Subscribe the Oath
of Abjuration and repeat and Subscribe the Test and take the fol-
lowing Oath to wit I A. B. do swear that I will According to the
best of my skill and knowledge faithfully impartially and truly
demean myself in the Discharge of the Trust committed to me by
an Act of Assembly of this Province Entituled an Act for the

sioners to
give Bond]

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 267   View pdf image (33K)
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