And be it Further Enacted that as soon as the said Bills of
Credit shall be so Printed signed and Numbered which shall be
fully Compleated and done by the Twentieth day of February next
at furthest the said Commissioners shall and they are hereby
Authorized and required to deliver out of the said Bills of Credit
to the several persons their Executors Administrators Assigns or
Orders who are allowed by the Publick or to such of them as
shall offer to receive the same the Value according to the rates
before mentioned of the Quantities of Tobacco and sums of Money
allowed to them respectively as they appear to be allowed stated
and Ascertained by the Journal of Accounts and List of Debts
aforesaid assented to this present Session by both Houses of
p. 663
[The Com-
to pay the
And Whereas the Conferees from the Lower House were in-
structed by their House to inform the Conferrees of the Upper
House that they were clearly of Opinion that the Clerk of the
Council his reasonable reward as well as every Expence Necessarily
Attending the Execution of the Powers of Government ought to
be defrayed out of the Fines Forfeitures Amerciaments and moneys
received by the Government to defray the expenses thereof but yet
as there seemed no Probability of a speedy Concurrence of both
houses in that Sentiment and the distressed Circumstances of the
Province and many of the Claimants against the Public called for
an immediate Circulation of a Medium of commerce and discharge
of the public Debt that they should propose to their Honours as
the most eligible Expedient. That paper Bills of Credit should be
[The Allow-
ances of the
late and
Clerks of the
Council, to
be placed in
one of the
Hands, till
the Dispute
between the
Two Houses
on that Head
shall be de-
termin'd by
his Majesty
in Council]