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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 266   View pdf image (33K)
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266 Assembly Proceedings, November 1-December 6, 1766.

Liber H. S.
No. 1

third parts of a Dollar each twelve thousand Bills of one half Dollar
each Eleven thousand nine hundred and ninety nine Bills of one third
part of a dollar each Twelve thousand Bills of two ninth parts of a
Dollar each Twelve thousand Bills of one sixth part of a Dollar
each and Twelve thousand Bills of one ninth part of a Dollar each

sioners to see
the Printing

and the said Commissioners are hereby directed and required to
Use the best of their care and Diligence that the said Bills According
to their respective Denominations aforesaid and according to the
manner and form aforesaid be forthwith printed and made ready for
Emission and that the Number thereof be not Exceeded nor any
clandestine or fraudulent practice be used by the printer his Servants

p. 660

or others concerned therein

Printer, &c
to be sworn]

And be it Enacted that the printer who shall or may be employed
in printing and stamping the said Bills of Credit and all his ap-
prentices and Servants which he may employ in the said work shall
before he or they begin or enter upon the same take before some
Justice of the Provincial or County Court the following Oath to wit,,

[The Oath]

I A. B. do swear that I will truly faithfully and honestly perform
my Duty of Printer agreeable to the directions of an Act of As-
sembly of this Province entituled an Act for the payment of the
Publick Claims for emitting Bills of Credit and for other purposes
therein mentioned and will not advisedly print or stamp any greater
Number of Blank Bills of Credit than in that Act mentioned or of
other Denominations than therein expressed except such Sheets that
may be so blotted unfair or imperfect in the impressing and printing
thereof that the same are unfit for use so help me God

[Penalty on
the Printer;
&c for a
breach of

And if such printer by himself Servants or Apprentices or any of
them by his Privity Direction or Permission shall advisedly print or
Stamp any greater or larger Number of the Bills aforesaid or of
any other Denominations than by this Act Limitted and expressed
contrary to the true Intent and meaning thereof and be thereof
legally convicted in any Court of Record within this Province he
shall forfeit and pay the sum of Five hundred pounds Current
Money to be recovered by Action of Debt Bill plaint or Information
wherein no Essoin protection or Wager of Law or more than one
Imparlance shall be Allowed and any Servant or Apprentice of such
Printer who shall be of the said Offence Convicted before two or
more Justices of the peace of the County where the same shall be
committed shall receive Corporal Punishment by Whipping not ex-
ceeding thirty Nine Stripes by the said Justices to be Adjudged

sioners to
attend the

Be it also Enacted that the Printer of the said Bills shall not by
himself Servants or any other person by him employed presume to
print or stamp the said Bills or any of them but in the presence
of one or both of the said Commissioners who are hereby required
and directed to be present And when all the said Bills shall be printed
and Stamped the Stamps and flowers by which such Impressions

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 266   View pdf image (33K)
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