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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 265   View pdf image (33K)
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Acts. 265

in Value to the rate of seven shillings and six pence sterling per
hundred pounds of Tobacco and the sum of Nineteen thousand
Eight hundred and forty pounds one shilling and two pence farthing
Nominal Money of the True and real value according to the Course
of Exchange between this Province and London of Eleven Thousand
nine hundred and four pounds and nine pence Sterling
And Whereas the public of this Province now hath twenty six
thousand and eight hundred pounds Capital Stock of the Bank of
England as appears by the Last Account rendered by the Trustees
for this Province residing in London dated the Thirtieth day of
May Last and also the sum of Five thousand two hundred and thirty
pounds Seventeen shillings and two pence Sterling not invested Sub-

Liber H. S.
No. 1

ject to the disposition of the General Assembly and the great Scarcity
of Specie at this time makes an Additional Circulating Medium in
this Province Necessary for the Purposes of Trade and Commerce
For the Ease therefore of the good People of this Province in the
payment and Discharge of the Publick Debt to supply in some
Measure a circulating Medium of commerce and for the other pur-
poses herein after particularly mentioned

p. 659

Be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary
by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordships Governor
and the Upper and Lower houses of Assembly and the Authority of
the same that Bills of Credit of the Denomination of Dollars. Aliquot
parts of a Dollar to the amount of One hundred and seventy three
thousand seven hundred and thirty three Dollars shall be printed
and struck with all convenient Speed on good single paper under
the care and directions of the Commissioners to be appointed by
Virtue of this Act in manner and form following to wit, This

[Bills of
Credit to be
Printed for
Discharge of
the Public

Indented Bill of Dollars shall entitle the bearer
hereof to receive Bills of Exchange payable in London at the rate
of Four shillings and six pence sterling per Dollar for the said Bill
according to the Directions of an Act of Assembly of Maryland
dated in Annapolis this day of Anno Domini
176 which Bills of Credit shall be signed numbered and dated by
the Commissioners aforesaid and the Number of Dollars or the
parts or part of a dollar by which each Bill shall be denominated
shall be printed at the top of such Bill in words at length with such
devices and marks on the said Bills as the said Commissioners shall
think fit and direct as well to prevent Counterfeits as readily to
distinguish their several denominations the Number of which Bills
as well as the Denominations thereof shall be the following and no


other to wit Six Thousand three hundred and nineteen Bills of eight
Dollars each Six thousand three hundred and Eighteen Bills of six
Dollars each six thousand three hundred and Eighteen Bills of four
Dollars each twelve thousand Bills of Two dollars each twelve thou-
sand Bills of one Dollar each twelve thousand and two bills of two

[Their num-
ber and De-

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 265   View pdf image (33K)
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