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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 258   View pdf image (33K)
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258 Assembly Proceedings, November 1—December 6, 1766.

Liber H. S.
No. 1
p. 651
with the
Terms, to
have a good

This Act as by former Laws relating to the said Town is directed
and purchase the same from the said Proprietor or Proprietors
thereof by consent and agreement between the purchaser and such
Proprietor or in the manner before mentioned of and from the said
Commissioners such Lott or Lotts being Wharfed in secured cov-
ered and made into dry Ground as aforesaid shall have an Absolute
Estate of Inheritance in and to such Lott or Lotts

[In case of
bad Titles]

Provided always and be it Enacted that if the Persons herein
before mentioned to be the Proprietors of the said Marshy Ground
or any or either of them should not be the true and real Proprietors
and have fee Simple Titles in the said Marshy Ground respectively
as aforesaid that then in Lieu and stead of any recovery of the said
Marshy Ground or any part thereof so covered and made into dry
and firm Ground and built and Improved on as aforesaid the person
or persons who have Title thereto or their heirs shall and may
maintain an Action of Debt or on the case against the said person
or persons who shall have received any of the purchase Money
aforesaid not having title as aforesaid their heirs Devisees Executors
or Administrators having Assents and thereby recover the full and
real Value of the Ground in its present Situation so to be covered
and made into dry and firm Ground and built and Improved on as
aforesaid with the Costs of such suit

Decem.r 6:th 1766
Read and Assented to
by the Lower House of
Signed p Order
MMacnemara Cl Loho

On Behalf of the right
Honourable the Lord
Proprietary of this Prov-
ince I will this be a Law
Hor,,o Sharpe

Dec.r 1766
Read and Assented to
by the Upper house of
Signed by Order
UScott Cl. Up. Ho.

the Great Seal
in Wax Appendt

No. 23


An Act Concerning the Name of John Beale Bordley
Whereas John Beale Bordley of Baltimore County Esquire by
his humble petition to this General Assembly setting forth that
he the said John Beale Bordley posthumous Son of Thomas Bordley
of Annapolis Esquire who died in England in or about the year
Seventeen hundred and twenty six was Christned in Saint Ann's

p. 652

Parish in Ann Arundel County by the then Rector of the said
Parish by the name of John Beale but that having an Elder Brother
of the name of John he was usually called by the name of Beale until
since the death of his said Brother John excepting that in some
instances and by a few people before that time he was called and
known by the name of John Beale and that the said John Beale
Bordley had made Contracts and purchases some times in the name
of Beale and at other times in the name of John Beale at some times
with and at other times without an Alias dict: and had also com-
menced Actions and Obtained Judgments in the one or other name

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 258   View pdf image (33K)
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