228 Assembly Proceedings, November 1-December 6, 1766.
Liber H. S.
No. 1
of the Rector Vestrymen and Church Wardens of Somerset Parish
for the time being so much Land in Princess Anne Town aforesaid
as by them shall be Judged necessary not Exceeding Two Acres of
Land and to treat and agree with such person or persons as they
shall Judge proper to undertake Erect and build and in a Workman
like manner compleat and Finish on the said Land so to be bought
a Chapel of Ease to the said Parish and the said parcell of Land
when bought and the said Chapel when built shall be and are hereby
declared to be Vested in the said Parish as the Estate and Chapel
of Ease to the said Parish for the Worship and Service of God
in like manner as other Lands and Chapels of Ease thereon Built
in other Parishes are used and enjoyed
Church to be
And be it Further Enacted that it shall and may be Law full for
the Vestrymen and Church Wardens aforesaid for the time being
or the Major part of them and they are hereby Authorized and
Impowered to Treat and agree with any person or persons that
they shall Judge proper to enlarge the Parish Church at Monie
[King's Mill-
Chapel to be
And be it further Enacted that the Vestry and Church Wardens
aforesaid for the time being or the Major part of them shall be
and are hereby enabled and impowered to sell and convey in fee
simple the Chapel aforesaid called Kings Mill Chapel and the land
thereto belonging at public Vendue to the highest bidder first giving
notice of the said sale by Advertisements set up at the Doors of the
Court house of the said County and Parish Church aioresaid and
to apply the money produced by such sale towards the purchase
of the land aforesaid in Princess Ann Town and the building
thereon the Chapel aforesaid
[144,000 lb
of Tobacco,
to be levied
in 3 Years,
for carrying
This Act
into Exe-
p. 620
And be it further Enacted that the Justices of Somerset County
for the time being shall and they are hereby Authorized and im-
powered to assess on the Taxable Inhabitants of the said parish the
Quantity of one hundred and forty four thousand pounds of Tobacco
by three equal Assessments in the Years of our Lord seventeen
hundred and sixty six seventeen hundred and sixty seven and seven-
teen hundred and sixty eight together with the Sheriffs Salary of
five Per Centum for Collecting the same which said Assessments
so as aforesaid to be made shall be collected and Levied by the
Sheriff of the County aforesaid in the same manner as publick and
County Levies are Collected and Levied and by him to be paid to
the Vestry and Church Wardens aforesaid for the time being who
are hereby Authorized and required to receive and apply the same
to the uses and purposes following that is to say the Quantity of
one hundred and twenty eight thousand pounds of Tobacco part
of the same to and for the use and purpose of purchasing the Parcell
of ground in Princess Anne Town and the building and erecting
thereon the Chapel aforesaid and the remaining Sixteen thousand