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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 219   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 219

under your Lordship's Superintendency and Direction: And, as it
is of great Importance to the Welfare of the Province, that the
Trust reposed in those Gentlemen should be punctually and faith-
fully executed, we flatter ourselves that your Lordship will, ae you

did heretofore, on a similar Occasion, readily comply with our
Dec.r 6, 1766.
Benjamin Tasker, President.
Robert Lloyd, Speaker.

Signed by the President of the Upper House; which was also
signed by the Honourable Speaker, and was sent to the Upper
House, by Hanson and Grahame.
B Calvert, Esq from the Upper House, delivers to M.r Speaker,
the Paper Bills.
N.o 24. An Act for amending and repairing the Public Roads
in Baltimore County
N.o 25. An Act to oblige infected Ships, and other Vessels,
coming into this Province, to perform Quarantine.
N.o 26. An Act for the Payment of the Public Claims for emit-
ting Bills of Credit, and for other Purposes therein ment.d
N.o 27. An Act to enable the Commissioners of the Paper Office,
to send for Paper for the Use of the Upper and Lower Houses of
Assembly. Indorsed, severally, By the Upper House of Assembly
Dec.r 6, 1766: The ingrossed Bill whereof this is the Original, is
read and assented to.
Ordered, That Lib. C. N.o 3 a Record Book, in the Land Office,
and the Journals of the Lower House of Assembly, from the Year
1692, to the Year 1715, both inclusive, be fairly transcribed into
different Record Books: That the same be done by John Duckett,
Jun.r and that he be allowed at the Rate of four Pence per Side,
to be paid in Dollars, at 7/6, and for a Book to transcribe the
same into.

Ordered, That Col. Lloyd, and M.r Hanson, do acquaint the Gov-
ernor, that no Public Business lays now before this House to

B. Calvert, and J. Ridout, from the Upper House, acquaint
M.r Speaker, that the Governor requires the Attendance of the Lower

House Immediately, in the Upper House.

M.r Speaker left the Chair, and (attended with the Members of
the Lower House) went to the Upper House, and presented to his
Excellency the following Ingrossed Bills, Viz.

N.o 11. An Act for relieving the Inhabitants of this Province
from some Aggrievances in Prosecutions of Suits at Law, and
continuing the Supplementary Act thereto.

L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
Dec. 6

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 219   View pdf image (33K)
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