218 Assembly Proceedings, November 1-December 6, 1766.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
Dec. 6
Two and an half per Cent to be deducted from the Prizes, to defray
the Expenses of the Lottery. The Drawing to be in the Court
House at Annapolis, in the Presence of the Managers, and as many
of the Adventures as shall be pleased to attend, on the last Monday
in May, or sooner, if sooner full. The said Managers to give Bond
to the Honourable Speaker, and to be upon Oath for the faithful
Discharge of their Trust.
A List of the Prizes to be published in the Maryland Gazette, and
the Prizes paid as soon as the Drawing is finished, and those not
demanded in Six Months after the Drawing, to be deemed as gener-
ously given to the above Use.
The Scheme to be made public in the Maryland and Virginia
Gazettes, and Pensylvania Journal.
Thomas Ringgold, Esq brings in, and delivers to M.r Speaker
a Letter to M.r Garth, which was read, approved, and Ordered,
That the same be transmitted by the Honourable Speaker.
The House proceeded to tax the ingrossed Bill, entitled, An Act
concerning the Name of John Beale Bordley.
To the Honourable Speaker..... £10..0..0
To the Clerk................. 5..0.0 £15..0..0
An ingrossed Bill, entitled, An Act to enable the Commissioners
of the Office of Bills of Credit to purchase Stationary Ware neces-
sary for the Uses of the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly:
Was read, and assented to, and sent to the Upper House, with the
Paper Bill, by M.r Smallwood, and M.r Key.
J. Ridout, Esq from the Upper House, delivers to M.r Speaker,
the following Message, Viz.t
p. 486
By the Upper House of Assembly, Dec. 6, 1766.
We herewith send you an Address to the Lord Proprietary, drawn
in Consequence of your Message, by Mess.rs Grahame, and Earle,
and signed by the President of this House.
Signed by Order, U. Scott, Cl. Up. Ho.
And the following Address to the Lord Proprietary, Viz.
To the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary
The humble Address of the Upper and Lower Houses Assembly.
May it please your Lordship,
It being expedient that some Gentlemen residing in London,
should be appointed Trustees for receiving the Dividends on the
Stock belonging to this Province in the Bank of England, and for
executing certain other Trusts under an Act of Assembly made
this Session, entitled, An Act for the Payment of the Public Claims,
for emitting Bills of Credit, and for other Purposes therein men-
tioned: We have taken the Liberty by the same Act, to put them