House will take Care that the said Committee be indemnified in
prosecuting said Inquiry.
And it is further Ordered, and Resolved, That it be the Duty
of the said Members of the Committee, or any of them, and of all
other Members of this House, to receive and take from all such
L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
Dec. 6
Persons, as shall think fit to contribute, any Sum or Sums of
Money, or Bill or Bills of Exchange, payable to the Members afore-
said, or their Order, for the carrying on those Disputes; and that
such Money or Bills be delivered to the Committee aforesaid, or to
such of them as shall be by the major Part of the said Members
appointed to be by them negotiated, and from Time to Time, applied
in the best Manner, as to them shall seem proper, to and for the
Uses aforesaid; and that the said Committee render to the next
Assembly of the Delegates a fair Account of their Proceedings
Resolved Also, That there be a Lottery under the Management
and Direction of William Murdock, Esq Charles Carroll, Esq
Barrister, M.r Thomas Sprigg, M.r William Paca, M.r John Weems,
M.r Thomas Gassaway, South River, M.r Thomas Ringgold, M.r
Brice Thomas Beale Worthington, M.r Henry Hall, M.r John Ham-
mond, M.r Thomas Johnson, M.r John Hall, of Annapolis, and M.r
Samuel Chase, or such of them as shall chuse to act Managers, on the
following Scheme, by which to raise fiooo Current Money, which
shall be paid to the Committee aforesaid, and be applied to the
Purposes aforesaid.
p. 485