L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
Dec. 6
them lies, the Ease and Welfare of the Province, this House having
agreed to carry the said Dispute between the Lord Proprietary, and
the People, before his Majesty in Council, without any Public
Money to pay an Agent, Whether his Lordship should pay the Clerk
of the Council, his Claim, and other necessary Expences of Govern-
ment, out of those Public Revenues? or, whether the People should
be taxed, for them, and his Lordship keep all those Public Monies,
without Account, to his private Use? Firmly relying on the Public
Virtue and Spirit of their Constituents, that each, and every one,
will contribute some Part of his Private Property, for employing an
Agent in London, to conduct the settling and determining a Matter
in which the County in general is so much interested; more especially,
when at the same Time, and for nearly the same Expence, they may
likewise procure Relief from other Aggrievances this Province
labours under, and particularly the Want of a standing Agent at
the Court of Great Britain to be maintained at the Public Charge.
Resolved Therefore, That this House do appoint Charles Garth,
Esq lately special Agent for this Province, their Agent for con-
ducting and managing the Business aforesaid.
Resolved, That the Honourable Speaker, M.r Murdock, Col. Tilgh-
man, M.r Ringgold, M.r Johnson, and M.r John Hall, of Annapolis,
or any Three of them, be a Committee, in the Recess of Assembly,
to correspond with the said Charles Garth, Esq and that the said
Committee do prepare, with all possible Dispatch, and transmit to the
said Agent, a full State of the Dispute aforesaid, as well as of our
other Aggrievances, more especially in relation to the 12.d per Hogs-
head, and the Want of a public Support for an Agent, and also
authenticated Copies of Records, and all other Papers and Matters
necessary for carrying on the said Disputes; and that the said Com-
mittee of Correspondence lay Copies of their Letters to the said
Agent, together with any Letters they may receive from him, before
the next Assembly of the Delegates of this Province.
And whereas, for the supplying such Materials as may be neces-
sary for the Purposes aforesaid, it may be deemed requisite by the
said Committee, that a thorough Examination and Inspection be
made into all the Acts that have been passed relative to the Revenue,
and every Branch thereof, and raising and levying Money upon the
People, in any Manner whatever, towards supporting the executive
Powers of Government, together with the cotemporary Journals
and Proceedings, not only of this House, but also of the Upper
House, Governor and Council, and Governor and Privy Council.
Resolved also, That the said Committee have free Access to all
Papers, Books, and Records, in any of the Public Offices, to search
and examine the same, and demand and take Copies of any Part
thereof, they may think proper: And also that the said Committee
have Power to employ a Clerk, who shall have the same Daily Allow-
ance under them, that Clerks in Session-time have; and that this