N.o 25. An Act to oblige infected Ships, and other Vessels, coming
into this Province, to perform Quarantine.
N.o 26. An Act for the Payment of the Public Claims, for emitting
Bills of Credit, and for other Persons [Purposes] therein mentioned.
Were severally read and assented to, and sent to the Upper House,
with the Paper Bills, by Mess.rs Grahame, & Buchanan
The following Message, Viz.
By the Lower House of Assembly, Dec.r 6, 1766.
May it please your Honours,
In Answer to your Message, of this Date, by B. Calvert, Esq
when we consider that the Lord Proprietary was requested by the
Act of Assembly, lately passed, closing the Paper Currency Office,
and appointing Trustees in London, to superintend those Trustees,
and we look on this only as a Continuance of the same Trust, we
do not see the Necessity of joining in any such Address as your
Honours have mentioned. However, if your Honours should think
otherwise, and will be pleased to prepare such Address, we are
willing to join therein.
Signed per Order MMacnemara, Cl. Lo. Ho.
Ordered, That the following Resolves be entered on the Journal,
This House having, at this Session, as well as most others, since
the Year 1739, passed a Bill to raise Money to support an Agent,
to be employed by them, at the Court of London, to represent their
Grievances to his Majesty, and transact the Provincial Affairs, and
the same having been constantly refused by the Upper House, and
the Journal of Accounts having also been refused by their Honours,
ever since the Year 1756, unless this House would make an Allow-
ance by a Tax on the People, for an Annual Salary to the Clerk
of his Lordship's Council of State (over and above his Allowance as
L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
Dec. 6
Clerk of the Upper House, and over and above his Fees settled by
Law in the Year 1747, as Clerk of the Council) contrary to their
fixed and settled Opinion; that the said Clerk, his reasonable Reward,
as well as every Expense necessarily attending the Execution of the
Powers of Government, ought to be defrayed out of the Fines,
Forfeitures, Amerciaments, 12.d per Hogshead, and other Monies,
received under Colour of Law, to defray the Expences of Govern-
ment, by which Means Public Credit having been greatly injured,
and in a Manner annihilated, and the Public Creditors so long kept
out of their just Claims, as to be reduced to the greatest Distress,
and some of them to a State of Despair, although this Province
now hath £30,000 Capital Stock of the Bank of England, a very
sufficient Fund to issue Bills of Credit on, to pay those Claims, and
give a Circulating Medium to their Commerce, languishing for
Want thereof. To remedy these Evils, and promote, as far as in
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