L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
Dec. 6
the Public Roads in Baltimore County, was read and assented to,
and sent to the Upper House, with the Paper Bill, by M.r Lee, and
M.r Smallwood.
B. Calvert, Esq from the Upper House, delivers to M.r Speaker,
the following Message, Viz.t
By the Upper House of Assembly, December 6, 1766.
We think it a Point of Respect, due to the Lord Proprietary, to
request the Favour of him to undertake the Execution of the Trust,
credited by the Bill, entitled, An Act for the Payment of the Public
Claims, for emitting Bills of Credit, and for other Purposes therein
mentioned. And therefore propose, that the Application be made to
his Lordship, by an Address from both Houses. The two Houses
addressed the late Lord Proprietary, to execute the Trust contained
in the first Paper Currency Act, and in the Act of 1765, for limiting
the Time for sinking the Paper Bills of Credit, his Lordship was
requested to continue in the Trust and Care of superintending and
directing the Conduct and Behaviour of the Trustees, residing in
London, as himself, and his Noble Father had heretofore done,
under the £90,000 Law.
Signed by Order, U. Scott, Cl. Up. Ho.
J. Ridout, Esq from the Upper House, delivers to M.r Speaker,
the Bill, entitled, An Act for amending and repairing the Public
Roads, in Baltimore County. The Bill, entitled, An Act to oblige
Ships, &.ta to perform Quarantine. And the Bill, entitled, An Act
for the Payment of the Public Claims, &.ta Severally indorsed, "By
the Upper House of Assembly, Dec. 6, 1766: Read the second
Time, and will pass."
Which Bills were severally read here and passed for ingrossing
The Bill, entitled, An Act to enable the Commissioners of the
Office of Bills of Credit, to purchase Stationary Ware necessary for
the Uses of the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and for
other Purposes therein mentioned; was read the first and second
Time, by especial Order, and will pass, and was sent to the Upper
House, by Col. Lloyd, and D. Wolstenholme, Esq
B. Calvert, Esq from the Upper House, delivers to M.r Speaker,
the Bill to enable the Commissioners of the Office of Bills of Credit,
to purchase Stationary Ware, &.ta Indorsed, "By the Upper House
of Assembly, Dec.r 6, 1766: Read the first and second Time, by
especial Order, and will pass."
Which Bill was read here, and passed for ingrossing.
The ingrossed Bills Viz.t
N.o 24. An Act for amending and repairing the Public Roads in
Baltimore County.