On reading the Governors Speech the Second time Ordered that
M:r Murdock Col.o Tilghman M.r Hammond M :r Wilson M :r J.
Hollyday M :r J. Hall of Annapolis and M :r Wolstenholme do Pre-
pare and bring in an Address in Answer thereto
Ordered that the following Rules be Observed as such during
this Session Viz:t
1:st That no Member of the House shall use any reviling Speeches
or Name any Member by his Proper Name otherwise than for Dis-
tinctions Sake, but shall rather use some other Signification as the
Gentleman that Spoke last or the like
2.d That no Member Speak above Once upon any Debate without
Licence of the House declared by the Speaker and if two Persons
shall rise up together the Speaker shall Appoint who shall Speak
first and no Member shall Interrupt any other until the Gentleman
Speaking hath ended
3:d That none shall deliver his Opinion or Speak to any Bill or
Debate unless he shall stand up and reverently direct his Speech to
the Speaker
4:th That every Bill Proposed by the House shall be read two
several Days before it is sent to the Upper House and once after
before it be Ingrossed and that between every reading One day
shall be intermitted and that in that time the Bill be laid on the
Table for the Perusal of all the Members unless on very Urgent