such new Laws as the Present circumstances of the Country require,
and to continue any that may have been usefull and will otherwise
Expire before the end of the Year, I now give you an Opportunity
of doing So, not doubting but your Proceedings during the course
of the Session will Shew that you come together with minds Sin-
cerely disposed to Promote the Tranquility and Welfare of the
M:r Speaker (with the rest of the Members) returned to the
Lower House and resumed the Chair
The Governors Speech was Read by the Clerk and Ordered to
lye on the Table
Ordered that J. Hall Esq :r do Acquaint the Rev:d M:r Robert
Reide [Read] that he is requested by this House to read divine
Service at a Quarter of an hour before Nine a Clock in the morning
and at five afternoon during this Session
The House Appointed M :r J. Goldsborough M.r Sullivane M:r
Wright M:r Hanson and M :r R: Goldsborough a Committee of
M.r Tyler M :r Parran M :r Henry Hall M :r J. Hall of Baltimore
M :r Chase M :r Worthington M.r Wilson M :r Hammond M :r Plater
M :r Ringgold M :r Wolstenholme and M :r John Hall of Annapolis a
Committee to inspect into the several Papers and Records in the
Publick Offices and to report to the House the State and Condition
thereof and to annex to their Report an exact List of the several
books of Record remaining in the Seperate Offices