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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 126   View pdf image (33K)
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126 Assembly Proceedings, November i-December 6, 1766.

U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
Dec. 4

applied this Session for Relief. Our Objection to the relief of Helms
arises from an Information that he has been guilty of great Fraud

in obtaining a Sum of Money of M.r Nicholas Maccubbin, and we
think that where a Prisoners Character is not Clear he is not intitled
to Our favour.

We have great Reason also to suspect, that John Duncastle has
acted with a great Degree of unfairness if not of Fraud, towards
One of his Creditors, the Circumstances whereof having been Com-
municated to this House in the Petition of D.r David Ross, for these
Reasons we think that the other Prisoners whose Conduct hath not
been objected to, ought to be distinguished from Helms and Dun-
castle in Our Consideration
Signed p order Upton Scott Cl: Up: Ho:

Adjourned until 3 of the Clock in the Afternoon

Eodem Die Post Meridiem
This House met again according to Adjournment
Present as in the Morning

Read the second time the Bill Entituled An Act to aid defective
Common Recoveries, and will Pass leaving out all that follows after
the Word "Notwithstanding" in the line of the last Page Sent
by Benedict Calvert Esq..r

M.r Daniel Wolstenholme and fifteen more bring from the Lower
House the following Message, together with the Bill Entituled An
Act for the Payment of the Public Claims for emitting Bills of
Credit and for other purposes therein mentioned
By the Lower House of Assembly Dec:r 1766.

p. 358

May it please your Honours
This House Claim, as their inherent undoubted and funda-
mental Right, the Sole and exclusive Formation of all Mony Bills,
and therein to limit the matter, manner, measurer and time of all
Grants and Dispositions of Public Money whatsoever. A Right so
essential to the Liberties and Propertys of those We represent that
we are determined never to give it up, or Wave or Weaken it any
We therefore return to your Honours, the Bill for the Payment
of the Public Claims, for emitting Bills of Credit and for other
Purposes therein mentioned, whereon to indorse your Assent or
Negative, according to the established mode of Parliamentary Pro-
ceedings, But hope from the Evident Utility of the Bill, and to
relieve the Extreme Distress of the People, your Honours will give
your Assent, as we clearly of Opinion it may in its present frame,
be well Carried into Execution, and that if any of the small matters
pointed out by your Message should be thought Imperfections, they

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 126   View pdf image (33K)
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