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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 125   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 125

sum of Sterling Money, it appeared clearly to the universal Satis-
faction of this House that they were only his Sureties on a Bond
for Six hundred Pounds, the Consideration of a Cargo of Goods
which were divided among them and that no fraud whatever has
been Committed or designed by the said Mayberry Helms Jun.r or his
Father to injure the said John Slye and Daniel Barnett or any other
of his Creditors.
As he seems to this House an Object worthy of Relief utterly
unable ever to discharge his Debts and wholly clear of all Fraud
we hope your Honours will agree to the Continuance of his Name
in the Bill
Nothing has yet occurred to this House to deprive John Dun-
castle of Charles County of the Benefit intended him by the Bill,
We therefore hope your Honours Concurrence with the Bill now
returned to you for that Purpose Should Sufficient Reasons still
remain with your Honours to induce you to refuse him his Liberty,
those Reasons when Communicated to Us, shall have their proper

Signed p order M: Macnemara Cl: Lo: Ho:

A Bill by Grahame and Buchanan, Entituled a Supple-
mentary Act to the Act Entituled An Act for amending the Staple
of Tobacco, for preventing Frauds in his Majestys Customs and
for the Limitation of Officers Fees. Read the first and second time
in the Lower House and will Pass Read the first and second time
by especial Order in this House and will Pass leaving out the
and Pages Sent by Benedict Calvert Esq.r
Adjourned until to Morrow Morning 10 of the Clock

U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
Dec. 3

Thursday Morning December 1766.
This House met again according to Adjournment
Present as Yesterday.

Dec. 4

Daniel Dulany Esq..r is sent with the following Message, together
with the Bill Entituled An Act for the Relief of certain Languish-
ing Prisoners in the several Goals therein mentioned.
By the Upper House of Assembly Dec:r 1766.
We make no doubt but you received from the Evidence offered
to your House, full Satisfaction, upon your Enquiry into the foun-
dation of the Allegations contained in the Petition of Messrs Slye
and Barnett against the Relief of Mayberry Helms Jun.r of Balti-
more County, nor is any thing in that Petition the Ground of Our
objecting to his Name being inserted in the Bill for the Relief of
languishing Prisoners, and we presume also, that you had Sufficient
Cause for rejecting the Petitions of several Prisoners who have

p. 357

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 125   View pdf image (33K)
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