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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 123   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 123

the late and present Clerk of the Council, but we have not always
dissented to the List of Debts.
We presume that the attendance of those, to whom the Keys of
the Repository and Iron Chests are to be delivered, is not intended,
and that this matter should be clear
If the Commissioner, for taking in the Bills of Credit and drawing
Bills of Exchange, should Die, be disabled to attend, or deserve to
be removed before his compleat Execution of the Trust, there ought
to be another to supply his place. We incline to think that two Com-
missioners would be proper for this Service as a Guard against the
Imposition of Forged Bills of Credit

The Trustees in London will undoubtedly expect to be paid for
their Trouble, perhaps if a Commission or reward should not be
expressly given them by the Bill, They would refuse to act, or if
they should Act they might Claim and have it in their Power to
receive more than on the other hand might be thought a reasonable

We are really apprehensive that the Allowance to the Commis-
sioners is too small, considering the Duties they are to perform,
to enduce Gentlemen properly Qualified, to accept of the Appoint-
ment, and should this be the Case, we need not Suggest what the
Inconvenience may be, and how dearly a little Saving may be pur-
chased by the Public
There are some Inaccuracies of Expression in the Bill which may
probably occur, and you may think proper to correct, and perhaps
some more material Defects which may be remedied at a time of

more Leisure
Signed p order Upton Scott Cl: Up: Ho: Gant and Sotheron bring up the following Engrossed
Bills Read and assented to by the Lower House of Assembly
A Bill Entituled An Act continuing An Act Entituled An Act
for imposing an Additional Duty of two Pounds per Poll on all
Negroes imported into this Province

A Bill Entituled An Additional Supplementary Act to the Act
Entituled An Act for Quieting Possessions, Enrolling Conveyances

U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
Dec. 2

and securing the Estates of Purchasers
A Bill Entituled An Act to ease the Inhabitants of this Province
and to impower the Justices of the several Counties to bind out the
Persons therein mentioned Apprentices
A Bill Entituled An Act for the Speedy and effectual Publication
of the Laws of this Province and for the Encouragement of Jonas
Green of the City of Annapolis Printer
A Bill Entituled a Supplementary Act to the Act Entituled An
Act to prevent the Evils arising from the Multiplicity of useless
Dogs and for other Purposes therein mentioned These Bills read

p. 355

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 123   View pdf image (33K)
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