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Proceedings of the County Courts of Charles County 1666-1674
Volume 60, Page 46   View pdf image (33K)
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              46 Charles County Court Proceedings, 1666—1668.

        Liber C Whereupon the Plaintife arresting the Defendt in his aeon of the
              Case preferreth this ensueing Declaracon (vizt)
                The Plaintife Declares agt the Defendt in an action of the Case
              for that the Plaintife having demanded his freedome is denyed the
              same together his Come, and Cloathes
                The Premises Considered the Plaintife humblie Craveth ordr of
              Crt from the Worple Comissionrs in Charles Countie together wth
              Costs and charge of suite And &c.
                Whereupon the Defendt entereth this Plea that he bought the
              Plaintife of Mr David Warren and Mr Francis Whittington for 10
              yeares but acknowledgeth he hath noe Indenture to testifie the sale
                The Plaintife therefore in Confirmacon of his said Declaracon
          [p. 96] humblie requesteth that his evidences may be sworne wch was
                Robert Henley sworne in open saith That he was at Mr Hatch
              his house where W Warren and Mr Whittington kept store, and
              was Chafering wth him for a Servt wch he bought of him, and tht
              he had promised another to Mr Hatch wch afterwards he coming
              to me told me If I would I might have him I asked him how Long
              he had to serve and he replied seaven yeares and this Deponent
              further saith not.
                Francis Jenkin sworne in open saith That Japheth Griphin
              demanded his freedome the 15th of November last this present yeare
              1666 together wth his Come, and Cloathes and Mr Hatch said that
              he had 3 yeares more to serve, and this Depont further saith not
                Hereupon the Defendt prayeth that James Johnson might be
              sworne in his behalfe wch was graunted
                James Johnson sworne in open Crt saith That Mr David Warren,
              and Mr Whittington kept store at Mr Hatches house, and Mr Hatch
              did aske of Mr Warren whether he or me should have the Boy
              Whereupon Mr Francis Whittington said unto David Warren tht
              Mr Hatch had the best tobaccoe of anie one thereabout Whereupon
              Mr Warren said That Mr Hatch should have him sooner then anie
              one besides; Soe Mr Hatch demanded how long he had to serve, and
              the said Mr Warren told him as long as he pleased for tht matter
              for I brought him saith he from his freinds, and they desired me
              to put him of for as Long time as I pleased either for 12, 14, or 20
              yeares; whereupon Mr Hatch replied That he would have him but
              for 10 yeares, and soe Mr Warren told him he should have him,
              and agreed wth the sd Mr Hatch for the price and this Depont further
              saith not.
        [p. The Defendt Subpaenas Marmaduke Lindsey and Cuthbert Mus-
              grave in open
                Marmaduke Lindsey sworne in open Crt saith That the Plaintife
              was brought home by hue and crye, and the Defendt discoursing to
              him concerning his time not being out said unto the Plaintife how
              nowe Mr Runaway to wth the Plaintife replied That he did not run

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Proceedings of the County Courts of Charles County 1666-1674
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