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Proceedings of the County Courts of Charles County 1666-1674
Volume 60, Page 47   View pdf image (33K)
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           Charles County Court Proceedings, 1666—1668.     47

     away but went away: Neither did you steale Mr Thoroughgoods Liber C
     Kanooe said the Defendt to the Plaintife; Noe answered the Plaintife
     I tooke her away: But stay saith the Defendt Ile knowe who hath
     harboured you all this while; That is noe matter replied the Plaint if e,
     you went away before your time said the Defendt to wch the Plaintife
     answered tht for the time he went away before he would make satis-
     facon, and this Depont further saith not.
      The Deft saith tht the Plaintife came to him the Defendt and was
     sould unto him the 23th of November 1659 and tht the shippe came
     in about the beginning of the said monthe.
      Cuthbert Musgrave aged 22 yeares and sworne in open Courte
     saith That the Plaintife being brought home his Master the Defendt
     said unto him Welcome home Runaway and the Plaintife replied
     tht he did not run away but went away; Nor you did not steale Mr
     Thoroughgoods Kanooe saith the Defendt to the Plaintife Noe replied
     the Defendt I did not steale her I tooke her: Well said the Defendt
     your time is not yet out; If my time be not out saith the Plaintife
     for the time I have to serve lie make you satisfacon and this Depont
     further saith not.
      The Plaintife humblie requesteth of the tht a Jurie may be
     impaneld for a more speedie issue of the matter in difference wch
     was graunted and soe accordinglie sworne to their evidence whose
     names are as followeth (vizt)
      Will:    Price foreman Rich: Morrice, Jonathan Marier; Will. Boy- [p. 98]
     den; James Hussey; Nicholas Groce; John Wheeler, John Hutchin-
     son Thomas Baker; Nicholas Emanson; James Mackey; and Leonard
      The Jurie requesting an ordr for allowance of their charges It is
     thereupon Ordered that 10 lb of tobac be allowed to each man of them
     Hereupon the Jurie goe forth and having agrreed of their verdict
     give it into the Courte as followeth (vizt)
      Wee of the Jurie find noe proofe tht the Plaintife was Servant
     for 10 yeares; therefore in our Conscience he is free having served
     as much time as can in equitie be required, and this wee give as our
     verdict he is free, and ought to have his Corne and Cloathes allwaies
     reserving such advantage to the Defendt as he can recover of the
     Plaintife by absence of service in seaven yeares legallie proved
      Ordered Therefore That the Plaintife be free, and tht the Defendt
     pay unto him his corne and Cloathes wth charges and costs of suite
      Whereupon the Plaintife preferreth his Bill of Charges as fol-
          For 4 dayes attendance for Mr Henly        120 lb
          For 4 dayes attendance for him120
          For 4 dayes attendance for Fran Jenkins 120
          For Attorneys fees            060

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Proceedings of the County Courts of Charles County 1666-1674
Volume 60, Page 47   View pdf image (33K)
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