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Proceedings of the County Courts of Charles County 1666-1674
Volume 60, Page 453   View pdf image (33K)
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           Charles County Court Proceedings, 1671—1674.     453

     of lande called Simpson Suply in charles County a fore mentioned Liber E
     on the East side of Piscatoqua river and the South side of a creek in
     the said River formerly Called Mattawoman butt now St Thomas
     Creeke beginning Att a bounded white Oake standinge in line of
     Mr Alanson Manner the Bound tree of Gerrard Browne thence East
     Eighty Perches to a bounded Popler thence South and by west
     forty Perches to a bounded Oake to A bounded Oake thence South
     south west two hundred and Sixty perches to a bounded white Oake
     of the sd manner, thence bounding upon the sd Mannor to the first
     bound Tree it being layd out for one hundred acres be it more or
     lesse now in the Tenor or occupation of him the said Tho: Allanson
     or his Assignes together Wth all the rightes and Benefites thereunto
     belongeing & alsoe all pattens deedes writings and Evidences touching
     or concerning the same to Have And To Hold the sd parcell of land
     & all singuler the bargainned premisses unto him the sd John Lambert
     his heyres & Assignes for Ever to the onely proper use & behalfe of
     him the John Lambert his heyres & Assignes for Ever and the sd
     Tho: Allanson for himself his heyres Executrs and Administratours
     doth hereby Covenant and grant to & with the sd John Lambert his
     heyres and Assignes tht he the said Tho: Allanson his heyres Executrs
     & Administratours the said parcell of land and all and other the
     bargained premisses unto him the said John lambert his heyres and
     Assignes against all persons whatsoever shall & will warrant and for
     ever defende by thesse presents the rentes and services hereafter to
     become deu and payable to the lord proprietary for the same alwayes
     Exepted and foreprized & further tht he the Tho: Allanson his
     heyres & Assignes shall and will from time to tyme And att All tyme [fol. 105]
     hereafter for and dureing the space of Seaven yeares att the reasonable
     request and att the proper chardge & cost of him the sayd John
     Lambcrt in the law his heyres and Assignes make doe Execute and
     suffer & cause to be made done Executed & suffered all and every
     such further & other Actes or actes thinges or thinges device or
     devices Assurance or Assurances wtsoever requisite in the premisses
     for the better Assureing & more sure makeing of the sd bargained
     Premisses unto him the sd John lambert his heyres and Assignes
     for ever be it by Inrolement of thesse presents fine feofmt or other
     wayes or by any such law full wayes or meanes by him the sd John
     Lambert his heyres or Assignes or his or theire Councell learned
     in the law shall be reasonably devized advised or required in Witnesse
     whereof the parties to thesse Indentures have Interchangeably here-
     unto sett their handes & seales the day & year above written
     Testibus Luke Green        Tho: Allanson (locus
           Robert Cossellton               Sigilli)
     Memorandum That full & peaceable possession in livery & Seizin of
     the landes & tenements Wthifl mentioned wth the appurtenance was
     given & deliverred by the wthin named Tho: Allanson to the wthin

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Proceedings of the County Courts of Charles County 1666-1674
Volume 60, Page 453   View pdf image (33K)
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