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Proceedings of the County Courts of Charles County 1666-1674
Volume 60, Page 243   View pdf image (33K)
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          Charles County Court Proceedings, 1668—1670.     243

      Mr Young prsnts Thomas Bright who is judged to be 21 years old Liber D

      Edmd Lendsy came & appeared to prosecute the suite Commenced
    by him agt Edwd Maddock
      Edwd Màddock Deft likewise appeared to answer to the suite
    Comenced agt him by Edmd Lyndsy whereupon the sd plts Declaracon
    was read to this effect
      The sd Edmd Complaineth agt the sd Edward for tht whereas
    the sd Edward the fifeteenth day of Augt in the yeare 1668 &
    in the xxxvii yeare of the Dominion of Caecilius had & recd of the sd
    Edmd divers parcells of Drink & ordinary Accomodacons from
    the sd fifeteenth day of Augt & In the yeare aforegd & att divers
    dais & times till the eleventh day of february 1668 a particular
    Acct whereof is here in Court by the sd Edmd produced amounting
    to the Valew of one thousand one hundred & three pounds of tob
    & being soc indebted as aforesd the sd Edwd in Consideracon thereof
    did then Assume upon himself & to the sd Edmd did faithfully
    promise tht he the sd Edwd the sd sume of 1103 lb of tob to the sd
    Edmd wn thereunto required would well & truly satisfy & pay not-
    wthstanding the sd Edward his pmise & assumption little regarding
    but deviseing & fraudulently intending him the sd Edmd of the sd
    sume of 1103 lb of tob to deceive the sd sume of 1103 of tob to him
    the sd Edmd hath not satisfied according to his promise to him on
    tht behalfe made But doth altogether refuse to pay the same to his [p. 128]
    the sd Edmds great damag whereupon he saith he is Damnified & hath
    loss to the valew of 1800 lb of tob & thereupon he bringeth his suite.
      Whereupon the sd Edmd produced' his acct & the sd Deft haveing
    nothing to say why Judgmt should not pass.
      It was ordered tht the sd Edwd should pay unto the sd Edmd
    1103 lb of tob Wth Costs & charges of suite

      It was ordered tht Mr John Allen should appeare next Court to
    answer to the suite Mr Sly Commenced agt him as Admtr of the
    Goods & Chattles of Mr John Hitchinson or else an order to pass
    agt the Sheriffe.

      Edwd Maddock came & confessed a judgmt to MT John Douglass
    for 900 lb of tob wth Costs of suite.
      Nicholas Solsby was Attached to answer unto Tho: Cosden, where
    upon the sd Nicholas did appeare & did Confess a judgmt to the sd
    Cosden for 570 lb of tob wth Costs & charg's of suite.
      Nicholas Solby came & Confessed a judgmt to Thoms Cosden
    for 840th of tob wth Costs of suite
      Robt Clearke Came & Confessed a judgmt to Daniell Johnson for
    436th of tob wth Costs & chargs of suite

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Proceedings of the County Courts of Charles County 1666-1674
Volume 60, Page 243   View pdf image (33K)
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