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Proceedings of the County Courts of Charles County 1666-1674
Volume 60, Page 242   View pdf image (33K)
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          242 Charles County Court Proceedings, 1668—1670.

         Liber D Edmond Lynsy came & Appeared to prosecute the suite by him
               Commenced agt James Lee
                James Lee Deft likewise appeared to answer to the suite Com-
               menced agt him by Edmd Lynsy
                And the sd Edmd Lynsy prouduced an acct amounting to four
               hundred & seventy two pounds of tob whereupon the sd James Lee
               Deft Confessed a Judgmt to the sd Lendsy for four hundred & seventy
               two pounds of Tob wth Costs & chargs of suite

                Rich' Beck Confessed a judgmt to Edmd Lyndsy for fifty pounds
               of tob wth Costs & chargs of suite
                Edwd Price Confessed a judgmt to Edmd Lynsy for [blank]
               pounds of tob Cost & chargs of suite.
                Mr Rozer hath an judgmt granted agt the estate of Edwd Powll
               in the hands of Mr James Lynsy & Thoms Stone

                Edmd Lynsy came to prosecute the suite by him Commenced agt
               Mr John Allen as Admtr of Mr John Hitchyson
                John Allen Deft came & appeared to answer to the suite of Edmd
               Lynsy who desired tht the sd Lynsy might sweare
                Edmd Lynsy swore aged 56 or thereabout saith that he never recd
               any part of satisfaction from Mr Hitchison wherupon Mr Allen
               Confessed a judgmt to Edmd Lynsy for 2700 lb pounds of tob
               Costs & Chargs of suite.

                Mary Langhly aged 26 years sworne & saith tht Thoms Pope is
               father of her childe.

               The Court is Adjourned till the second Tuesday in March 1670/1

     [p. 127] Att A Court held for the Ld Proprietã in Charls County the eight
                             Day of March 1669/70
                             prsent Commissioners

               Mr Henry Adams           Mr Joseph Harrison
               Mr Thomas Mathews        Mr Humph: Warren
               Mr James Lendsy          Mr Zachary Wade

                Robert Rowland prsnts a servt called John Rea who is judged to
               be five years old & to serve till he be twenty one.
                Mr Adams prsnts two servants Robt Powll who is judged 16
               years old and John Rose is judged to be fifeteene years old.
                John Okeane prsnts Anthony Battle who is judged to be 16 years
                Jeremiah Dickison prsnts John Parker who is judg'd 18 years old
                John Ward prsnts James Davies who is judg'd to be 16 years old
                Joseph Harrison prsnts John Hodgly who is judg'd to be 21 years

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Proceedings of the County Courts of Charles County 1666-1674
Volume 60, Page 242   View pdf image (33K)
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