Volume 60, Page 217 View pdf image (33K) |
Charles County Court Proceedings, 1668—1670. 217 his heirs Exetrs or Admtrs them or any of them & agt any other Liber D person or persons wtsoever lawfully Claiming by from or under him them or any of thm or by their Act Consent Privity or procuremt & tht the sd Henry Fletcher his heirs Exetrs Admtrs & Assgs shall hay hold use occupy & Possess & for ever peacably enjoy the sd parcell of Land & every pte & parcell thereof together wth all its rights Jurisdictions & Appurtenances wtsoever there unto belonging or Appertaineing in verity & truth hereof the party above mention'd have hereunto interchangably set their hands & seales the day & yeare above written Henry X Aspinall 0 Signed Sealed & deliverd his marke in the prsence of Geo: Thompson Tho: Golden John Meredith Owen Jones acknowledgeth this ensueing Conveyance to Edward Knight This Indenture made the fourth day of Septem 1669 betweene Owen Jones of Charles County in the Province of Maryland on the pte & Ed: Knight of the same County & pvince on the othr pt wit- neseth tht the sd Jones as well for in Consideracon of a certaine sume of Tobaco in hand pd by the sd Knight before the ensealing & delivery hereof whereof & wherewth the sd Jones doth acknowledge himself fully satisfied Contented & pd by these prsents as also for Diverse good Causes & Considracons Him there unto moveing Have [p. 106] granted bargained enfeoffed sold assigned set over & Confirmed & doe by these prsents fully & absolutely grant bargaine enfeoffe sell assigne set over & Confirme unto the sd Knight his heirs Executrs Admtrs or Assgs all tht pcell & part of land Called Adventure lying & being on the east side of the maine fresh of the Creeke formerly Called Nonjamy but now Avon river in Charles County begining at a bouned red Oak being the bound tree in the woods of Andrew Watson runing for lenght 174 perches to a bounden white Oak thence south west for breadth 177 perches to a bounded red Oake standing at the head of a small branch thence untill it meet wth the first bound tree containg & now td out for 70 Acres more or less as by patten doth more largely appeare wch sd pcell of Land wth all & singular its rights members Jurisdictions & Appurtenances wth all houses thereon erected, easemts tenemts Orchards backsids meadows feedings pasturs woods underwoods ways pfitts Comodities heredi- tamts & Appurtenances wtsoever unto the sd parcell of land belonging or any wayes appertaineing To have & to hold the sd Land & all & singular the prmises to be hereby bargained & sold wth the appurte- nances & every part & pcell throf wtsoever to the sd Knight his heires Exetrs Admitrs or Assgs for ever paying yearly unto the Ld or Lds of the Fee or Fees the rent or services wch from time to time shall become due for & in respect of his or their seignory or seignorys & the sd Jones for himself his heirs Extrs Admtrs & assgs doth Covent |
Volume 60, Page 217 View pdf image (33K) |
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