Volume 60, Page 218 View pdf image (33K) |
218 Charles County Court Proceedings, 1668—1670. Liber D pmise & grant to & wth the sd Knight his heirs Extrs Admtrs & Assgs shall & may Lawfully peacably & quietly have hold occupy possess & enjoy all & singular the prmises & every part & pcell thereof wth every its rights Jurisdicons members & Appurtenances wthout the lawfull let trouble suit eviction interruption or demand of or by any othr person or persons wtsoever Claimeing lawfully from by or under thm or any of thm their or any of their titles estates means or pcuremts & the sd Jones for himself his heirs Extrs Admtrs or Assgs all & singular the prmises their Appurtenances & every part & pcell thereof unto the sd Knight his heirs Extrs Admtrs or Assgs to the intent & meaning aforesd shall & will warrant & for ever defend by these prsents In witness wherof the partys first mentioned to these prsent Indenturs have interchageably set to their hands & seales the Day & yeare above written Owen Jones Signed Sealed & Delivered by turf e & twig wth possession & seisin in prsence of his mark Wm Thomas, John Robinson Jno Nutwell aged 21 sworne who saith Tho: Obryan came wth a boat & hands for his fowles & Capt Neale bad him fetch thm & after- wards would not let him have wthout asking pardon Tho: Obryan Demands a Warrt agt Ja: Neale Warrt to the Sheriff 2 Sub: returnbl Ut sup Obryan Subp: Bennet Marchygay Gilbert Corner Demands a warrant agt Rob: Browne Warrt &c Edm: Lynsy Demds a wart agt Jonathan Marly Wart &c. ditto Subp: Tho: Shepheard Henry Hardy demands a Warrt agt Edw Tanshall Warrt to the sheriffe returabl Ut sup The Court is adjourned till the second Tuesday in Novembr [p. 107] Thomas Baker & Samll Cressey the Atturneys & Assignees of Sam” Harris demand a Scire facias against John Stone as well as Ad- ministratour of the Goods & Chattles of Richd Stone A warrant to the Sheriffe & his returne — By Nicholas Emanson & Edwd Sands good & lawfull men of my Bayliwick I have given notice to the sd John Stone as I am by this writt required Samll Cressey Depty Sheriffe John Stone was by virtue of a Scire facias to the sheriffe directed attached as well as Administratr to the estate of Richard Stone as for his owne person to shew some Cause if any there were why Execüon might not issue forth according to the usuall Custome upon the sd order of Court & the sd Stone not being able to shew any reason to the Contrary. |
Volume 60, Page 218 View pdf image (33K) |
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