Brown, Capt., 120.
Capt, (of H.M.S. Hawk), 79,
Mr., 119.
Jethro, xxx, 142,
John, 53, 167, 278; Commis-
sioner to divide parishes,
Peter, 118.
Bruffs Warehouse, 43, 140, 142,
Bryan, George (Pennsylvania),
Buchanan, Andrew, 186, 305.
(Buchannan, Buchannon),
Robert (Kent County), xix,
15, 144, MS, 177, 185, 194,
217; on Comm, to inspect
the Loan Office, 63, 68;
sent by the Lower House,
61, 76, 79, 185, 218, 228;
votes, 27, 152, 159, 162, 164,
165, 167, 189, 100, 192, 195,
225, 226, 255, 256, 257, 258.
Buchannon, Jno. (London), 64,
65; see also Buchanan.
Bullen, John, 121; Commis-
sioner of the Loan Office,
Bullet Moulds, 146.
Burgen, Thomas, 115.
Burgess, John, 223, 224.
Burk, John, 121.
Burton, Benjamin (Delaware),
Butler, Capt., 119.
Byard, William (New York),
Calder, Alex[ande]r, 117.
Callaway, Edward, 121.
Callom (manor vessel?), 121.
Calvert, Benedict (Upper
House), xviii, 41, 43, 47, 52,
71, 113; on Comm, to in-
spect the Loan Office, xxv,
42, 63, 68, 137; sent by the
Upper House, 41, 43, 50, 54,
57, 58, 60, 68, 73, 74, 75, 76,
77, 79, 82, 84, 113, 114, 132,
140, 156, 170, 177, 178, 182,
189, 204, 211, 214, 215, 218,
230, 232, 259, 260.
Cecilius (Provincial Secre-
tary), xiv, Ixvii, Ixix, Ixxi,
95, 127, 219, 363, 364-366,
367, 395, 406, 415, 44S, 456;
Protestantism of, Ixx, Ixxii,
364, 415-416.
Cecilius, 2nd Lord Baltimore,
x, 437-
Gov. Charles, 393-394, 4H,
Frederick, 6th Lord Balti-
more, 95, 98, 99, 219.
Calvert County, 309, 312, 313.
Delegates of, 15, 131, 143.
Jail of, 54, 57, 170, 177-
Petition of the freeholders of,
Sheriff of, 66, 179.
Calvert Papers, Ixxi, Ixii.
Campbell, John, 43, 278.
Cannon, 147.
Cape Finisterre (Spain), 208.
Carbines, 146, 147.
Carcaud, Capt. David, 122, 123.
Carlisle (Pennsylvania), 117.
Carolina (Colony), n6, 405,
Cartouch Boxes, 146, 147.
Casner, see Kirshner.
Cato, G., 119.
Caton, John (Delaware), 336
Cecil County, 309, 312, 313.
Courts of, act to review,
xxxviii, 60, 61, 74, no, 144,
153, 177, 183, 188, 199, 205,
253, 270-271 (text).
Delegates of, 4, 15, 20, 131,
Jail of, 52.
Justices of, 1 1 8.
Sheriff of, 66.
Special court in, 125.
Chaille, Peter (Worcester
County), 16, 144; sent by
the Lower House, 5, 7, 21,
25; votes, 27.
Chamberlain (Chamberlayne),
Samuel, Esqr. (Upper
House), xviii, xix, 6, 43,
47, 52, 75 202; on Comm, to
inspect the Loan Office,
xxv, 42, 63, 137; sent by
the Upper House, 14, 36,
51, 156, 158.
Chamberlayne, see Chamberlain.
Chancellor, see Governor As
Chancellor; Province,
Chancellor of.
Chaplin, see Chapline.
Chapline (Chaplin), Joseph
(Frederick County), liv, 5,
21, 137, M4, 224 ! on Comm,
to enquire into Schley-Myar
petition, 173; sent by the
Lower House, 10, 24, 25;
votes, 27, 151, 152, 153, 159,
160, 162, 164, 165, 166, 168,
187, 180, 191, 192, 195, 203,
225, 226, 255, 256, 257, 258.
Charles County, 309, 311, 312.
Clerk of, 123.
Delegates of, 15, 21, 41, 131,
Petition of the freeholders of,
Sheriff of, 21, 66.
Charlotte, Queen, 124.
Chase, Samuel, Esqr. (Annapo-
lis), xix, xxv, Ixiii, 16, 27,
35, 131, 141, 142, 143, 144,
146, 154, 171, 172, 189, 190,
214, 222, 226, 228, 232; on
Comm, to answer the Upper
House on the Journal of
Accounts, 212; on comm. to
draft declaration of rights,
23; on Comm, to draw a
remonstrance to the Gover-
nor, 172; on Comm, to en-
quire into use of fines and
forfeitures, 157; on Comm,
on expiring laws, 168-170,
197-199; on Comm, of
grievances and courts of
justice, 153; on Comm, to
inspect the public offices,
139; on Comm, to prepare
an address to the Governor,
250; on Comm, to report on
the Clerk of the Council's
acounts, 216; sent by the
Lower House, 73, 200, 260;
votes, 27, 151, 152, 153, 159,
160, 162, 164, 165, 166, 187,
189, 190, 192, 193, 195, 203,
225, 226, 255, 256, 257, 258.
Cheam (Surry, England), 415.
Cherokees, 116, 117.
Chester (schooner), 119.
Chester Parish (Kent County),
xxvii, Iviii, 79, 82, 112, 202,
218, 228, 233, 254, 299-302
Bounds of, 299.
Chester River, 299.
Chester Town (Kent County),
xxxii, 60, 147, 170, 182, 299.
Chevy Chace, see Ballad of
Chevy Chace.
Chickamuxon Warehouse, 154,
Choptank River, 43, 173, 285,
Christ Church Parish (Queen
Anne's County), xxvii,
Iviii-lix, 83, 93, 112, 211,
228, 232, 233, 235, 249, 255,
Christie, [Mr.], 119.
G., 117.
Church Benefices, Confirmation
of, by Proprietary, Ixix,
Church Pews, Sale of, 301, 302.
Clarkson, A. (New Hamp-
shire), 353.
Clocks and Watches, 388.
Clothing, 195.
Clowes, William, 43, 278.
Cole, J., 117.
Collier, Thomas, 121.
Collins, Thomas, 48
Colonies, British, Joint action
by, 6, 8.
Meeting (congress) of, xvii,
xxi, xl, Ixvii, 6, 8, 10, n,
19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 33,
93, 139, 180, 181, 206, 327-
356; see also Stamp Act
Trade between, xlviii, 207-208,
355- . .