Arrest, Exemption from, For
persons appearing at mus-
ters, 72, 81, 112, 169, 198
201, 227, 254, 291-292.
Arson, 462.
Assembly, Descent of Armec
Men Upon, see Armed Men
Assembly, Election of, ix, xvii
Expenses of, 172, 217-218.
Houses of, deadlocked, x, 89
221, 385, 386, 406; see also
Council, Clerk of, Salary
of; Supplies to the Crown
Prorogation of, 373.
Separation of, into two houses
Assessment Bill, 379, 453! see
also Supply Bill.
Assessors, 450.
Attachments, Act for regulating,
xxxvii, 142, 202, 229.
Attorney General, see Great
Britain, Attorney Genera!
Attorney General (Maryland),
xx; see also Bordley, Ste-
phen; Key, Edmund.
Bachelors, Tax on, Ixi, 64, 66.
Background of the Revolution
in Maryland, xv.
Bacon, Rev. Thomas, xiv, xxxi,
Ixxi, 43, 140, 145, 158.
Baily, Henry, 65.
Baker, Henry (Cecil County),
IS, 137, 143, 144, ISO, 171,
234; sent by the Lower
House, 13, 33, 59, 60, i8a,
183; votes, 27, 151, 152, 159,
162, 164, 165, 166, 168, 187,
189, 191, 192, 193, 195, 203,
225, 226.
Nathan, xxx, 142.
Thomas, 121.
Ball and Shot, 147, 148.
Ballad of Chevy Chace, 399, 450.
Baltimore, Lord, see Calvert.
Baltimore, see Baltimore
County; Baltimore Town.
Baltimore County, 170, 311, 312.
Alarm from, 167.
Collector of excise in, 66.
Delegates of, 4, 15, 20, 131,
Jail of, 47, 48.
jail (goal) delivery, justices
Of, 121.
Justices of, 305, 307, 308.
Militia of, 117.
Petition of the inhabitants of,
49, 75, 156.
Sheriff of, 66, 115.
Special court in, 124.
Baltimore Town, 44, 83, 90, 112,
142, 154.
Commissioners of, xxxii, 186,
263, 305, 307, 308-
Enlargement of, act for, xiii,
xxix, xxxi, xxxviii, 58, 73,
no, 176, 177, 179, 186, 199,
204, 250, 252, 263 (text).
Market in, act for, xiii, xxix,
xxxi-xxxii, 83, 90, 112, 211,
229, 230, 233, 255, 305-309
Petition of the inhabitants of,
xxix, 44, 142, 154, 186.
Bank of England, Ixi, Ixii, 183,
Bank Stock, Ix, 166, 183, 184,
IQI, 193, 320.
Barham, Joseph, 47, 278.
Barker, Charles Albro, Back-
ground of the Revolution in
Maryland, xv.
Barnes, see also Barns.
Barnes, John (Delaware), 336.
Barns, Capt. John, 54, 170, 179-
Barret, Joseph, 65.
Bartman, G., 117.
Bayard, C, 118, 119; see also
Bayonets, 146, 147.
Beale, see Beall.
Beall (Beale, Bealle, Bell),
Capt. Joshua, Ixv, 50, 158,
160, 173, 196, 213, 251.
Josias (Josiah), (Prince
George's County), 15, 27,
131, 143, 145, 149, 153, 171,
21 1; on Comm, to enquire
into Beall-Ware petition,
173; on Comm, to enquire
into the lucrative offices,
I3J? J on Comm, to enquire
into Schley-Myar petition,
173; on Comm, to enquire
into Somerville petition,
179; on Comm, to inspect
the Loan Office, xxv, 42, 63,
68, 136, 137; sent by the
Lower House, 55, no, na,
173, 251,259; votes, 27, 151,
159, 162, 164, 165, 166, 168,
187, 189, 191, 192, 193, 194,
203, 225, 226, 255, 256, 257,
Lieut. Rezin (Reason), Ixv,
50, 158, 160, 173, 106, 251.
Col. Samuel, liv, 224.
Bealle, see Beall.
Beane, Walter, 403.
"Bel Air" (Ogle estate), xxxix.
Bell, see Beall.
Bellise, Jacques, 121.
Belt, [Col.], 115.
Middleton, 123.
Benefit of Clergy, Act to take
away, 72, 81, in, 169, 198,
200, 226, 253, 254, 287-288,
Bennett, Thomas, 95, 127, 219,
Benson, Fleetwood, 128.
Betsy (sloop), 119.
Bill of Rights (English), xxi,
xiii, 21, 30, 230; see also
Rights of Englishmen.
Billetting of Soldiers, Ixvi, 141,
Billiard Tables, Tax on, Ixi, 64,
Bills of Credit, 114, 166, 183,
191, 193.
Sinking of, time limit on, Ixi,
no, 113, 114, 167, 250, 251,
257, 259, 260, 319-322
Bills Defeated, 53, 58, 61, 62, 75,
79, 91, 165, 181, 185, 186-
187, 189-190, 204, 235.
Bills of Exchange, 183, 320, 322.
Damages upon protest of, act
to ascertain, 53, 73, no, 141,
158, 161, 163, 165, 199, 204,
252, 264 (text).
Inland, to have equality with
foreign, xxxviii, 264.
Blair, Mr. (Pres, of Va.), 119.
"Blenheim" (Charles County),
Bloody Bridge Branch, 299.
Board of Trade, 115, 116, 121,
123, 126, 127.
Queries from, 124.
Boardley, see Bordley.
Bohemia Warehouse, 295.
Bonds, For debt, 65.
Official, 1, liii, 51, 95, 130, 216,
225, 244, 260, 308, 438.
Boquett, see Bouquet.
Borden, Joseph (New Jersey),
Bordley (Boardley), Stephen,
Attorney General of Mary-
land, xviii, xx, Ixix, Ixx,
124, 362, 363.
Thomas, Removal of, from
Upper House, 393-394, 44O-
Boston (Massachusetts), Fire
at, 122.
Bounties, For enlistment, 66.
For manufactures, 54, 170,
188, 267, 268.
For taking Indian prisoners,
xxxvi, 170.
Bouquet (Bouquett), Col.
Henry, Ixv, Ixvi, 47, 127,
128, 145.
Bowler, Metcall ( Rhode
Island), 329.
Bracco, Mr., 121.
Brashear, John, 54, 170, 278.
Brice, John, Commissioner of
the Loan Office, xx, Ixi.
Brief Answers to Queries, Ixx,
Broad Seal, 99, 149.
Broad Swords, 146, 147.
Brooke, Francis, 403.
Broom, Capt., 119.
Brough, William, 403.