Colwill, Lord (of British Cabi-
net) , 80.
Commissary's Office, xxix, 163,
Commissions, 94, 99.
Fees for making out, 99, 115.
Judicial, Form of, 134; see
also office to be filled.
Condron, John, 47, 278.
Conference Chamber, 146, 147,
148, 222, 231.
Connecticut, At Continental
Congress, 330-332, 354-
Connoway, Philip, 121.
Conococheague ( Conicicheague,
Connegocheague) Creek,
xii-xiii, xxxiii, 54, 57, 61,
62, 68, 147, 148, 167, 176,
186, 189.
Considerations on the Propriety
of Imposing Taxes in the
British Colonies ..... by Act
nf Pfirliflmpnt, Triii, -vtviii,
206, 208.
Constables, 59, 182, 274.
Constitution, The (English),
241, 245, 345, 346, 348, 349,
390, 401.
Maryland, li, Ixxii, 77, 404,
420, 436-437; see also
Conveyances, Act for Enrolling,
Ixviii, 356, 357.
Convicts, Testimony of, legal
against convicts, 72, 81, in,
169, 198, 200, 227, 253, 289.
Whipping for, if rambling
with dogs, xxxiv, 277.
Cooch, Thomas (Delaware),
Cooper, Thomas, 125.
Copely, Governor, 107, 108, 439,
Copper, George, 299.
Copying, Cost of, 1, 51, 56, 75,
95, 115-116, 203, 205, 213,
216, 237; see also Council,
Clerk of; Lower House,
Clerk of.
Correspondence, Committee of,
In New York, 332; see also
Lower House.
Costin, H., 117.
Gotten, see Cotton.
Cotton, John, 339, 351, 353.
R. (Clk., Mass. H. of Repr.),
8, 19.
Couden, Robert (Clerk to
Comm, on Loan Office), 63.
Council, 14, 36.
Allowances to members of,
xlix, 1, 106, 107, 217, 247,
Clerk of, 50, 51, 76, 77, 94-96,
156, 216; accounts of, li, 78,
115-130; duties of, 98;
salary and fees of, xi, xxvii,
1, li, liv-lvi, Ivii, 78, 82-83,
85-89, 97-no, 115, 129, 203,
213, 215, 219-220, 228, 229,
236-238, 241-244, 252; Clerk
or secretary to, 84; see also
Upper House, Clerk of.
Determination of land dis-
putes by, 445.
Identity of, with Upper
House, 393-394, 4"-
Place of, in government of the
Province, 78, 82, 84, 228,
Secretary of, 75, 84.
Council Chamber, Ixiii, 146.
Repairs to, li, 74, 77, 78, 122,
202, 212, 213, 215-216.
Council House, see Council
Counties, Clerks of, 71, 80, in,
169, 182, 188, 198, 200, 226,
253, 287, 371-
Justices of, 73, 171, 177, 184,
451; see also Justices of the
Levies of, 1, liii, 51, 130, 216,
226, 275, 286, 309, 312, 313;
payable in money or tobacco,
298, 304; Levy lists of, 156;
see also counties by name.
Records and papers of, 71, 80,
in, 169, 198, 200, 226, 253,
Sheriffs of, 48, 56, 59, 155,
182, 219, 226.
Country, The (*'. e., Maryland),
xlvi, 4, 34, 92, 166, 180, 183,
247, 319, 405-
Country Party, ix, x, xix, xxi,
Court of Appeals, 75, 203, 312,
370, 371, 416, 418.
Appeal from, 371, 419.
Jurisdiction of, 370, 416, 418,
Membership of, 371, 418.
Court Calendar (London), 415.
Court of Chancery, Ixviii, Ixix,
357, 370, 37i, 416.
Court, Provincial, xvii, xxxvii,
lii, 83, 90, 112, 121, 122, 125,
127, 171, 211, 214, 229, 254,
303, 312, 370, 371, 4i6, 417.
Chief justice of, 123.
Judges of, 417-418.
Courts, County, xxxvii, 49, 59,
83, 90, 112, 171, 211, 214,
229, 254, 276, 303, 370, 416,
Adjourned sessions of, 33-34.
Clerks of, 56, 59, 61, 312, 318,
371, 417-
Commissioners of, 72, 81, in,
168, 198, 227, 254, 200.
Jurisdiction of, see Trial of
Matters of Fact; Replevin,
Writs of.
Justices of, 54, 56, 118, 170,
312, 313, 370, 416-417.
Courts, Maryland, System of,
370-372, 416-419-
Courts, Special, 124, 125, 128.
Cousins, Capt., 122.
Covington, James, 163.
Levin, 271.
Mary, Mrs. Phillip, xxxix, 44,
60, 61, 74, "0, 155, 157, 163-
164, 173, 178, 184, 188, 199,
205, 250, 253, 271-274.
Nehemiah, xxxix, 163, 271,
Philip (Somerset County),
xiii, xxxix, 44, 60, 61, 74,
"0, 155, 157, 163-164, 173,
178, 184, 188, 199, 205, 250,
253, 271-274.
Philip, Jr., 271, 272.
Rebecca, 271.
"Covington's Adventure," xxxix,
164, 272.
"Covington's Conclusion,"
xxxix, 164, 272.
Cox, Friend, n 8.
James, 4Uj.
Cramps (parts of cannon), 147.
Crapper, Levin (Delaware),
Creagh, Patrick, 74, 202.
Creditors, 48, 155.
Cresap, Col-, 118, 125, 126.
Daniel, 126.
Col. Thomas (Frederick
County), liii, liv, 6, 24, 27,
132, 144, 150, 168, 172, 173,
221, 222, 223, 224, 234; OH
Comm, to answer the
Governor's message, 139;
on Comm, on arms and
ammunition, Ixii, 139; on
Comm, of grievances and
courts of justice, 153; votes,
27, 151, 152, 153, 159, 162,
164, 165, 167, 168.
Creton, John, 115.
Crockett, Richard, 121.
Croghan, G:, 126.
Croser, Basil, 147.
Crows and Squirrels, Act for
destroying, xxxviii, 83, 90,
112, 169, 170, 222, 229, 230,
233, 255, 309-3" (text).
Cruger, John (New York), 332.
Cuba, 66.
Cubbidge, Phil:, 121.
Cullins, Charles, 124.
Cummins, William, 52.
Cunliffe (ship), 119.
Gushing, Thomas ( Massachu-
setts), xl, 7, 9, 19.
Customs, 127.
Frauds in, Act for Prevent-
ing, see Tobacco, Staple of,
Act for Amending.
Officers of, 125.
Cutlasses, 146.
Dagworthy, Col. John, 117.
Daily, see also Daly.
Dale, Thomas, 123.