Abercrombie [ Abercromby] ,
Gen. [James], 118, 119.
Acadians, see French neutrals.
Accounts, see Stamp Act Con-
gress, expense accounts.
Accounts, Journal of, x-xi,
xxvi-xxvii, xxxiii, xlix, 1,
liv, Ixiii, Ixv, Ixvi, Ixix,
Ixxii, 68, 74-75, 76, 78, 82-
83, 84, 86, 87, 07, 98, 102,
104, 106, 107, 108, 109, 141,
160, 185, 189, 190, 191, 202,
203, 204, 205, 212, 213, 215,
221, 228, 229, 234, 236, 242,
243, 244, 245, 247, 248, 249,
Act of 1704, see Tobacco, twelve
pence per hhgd. tax on.
Acts of Assembly, Currency
Act, 1733, 438.
Taxation of, 250.
Text of, 37, 262-323.
Acts of Parliament, For the
naturalization of Protes-
tants in the colonies, 207,
For taxing the colonies, 6, 8,
9, 10, 12, 24, 28, 206, 327,
329, 330, 331, 333, 334, 335,
.33.8, 345, 348, 349, 35i-
Limiting use of colonial bills
of credit, 333.
Toward the Americans, 208.
9 Anne (erecting a colonial
post office), 207.
30 George II, 125.
2 George II, 151.
4 George III, e. 15, on colonial
trade, 209, 333, 343.
6 George III, e. 45, establish-
ing comptrollers for the
colonies, 208-209.
See also Stamp Act; Sugar
Adams, John ( Somerset
County). 5. 21. 27. T.M.. 11.
!7i, 197, 215; on Comm, to
enquire into the Covington
petition, 157; on Comm, of
grievances and courts of
justice, 153; sent by the
Lower House, 165; votes,
27, 159, 162, 164, 165, 167,
168, 187, 189, 191, 192, 193,
194, 203.
William (Somerset County),
5, 21, 131, 144, 185; on
Comm, on arms and ammu-
nition, 139; sent by the
Lower House, 6, 22, 42, 53,
138; votes, 27, 152, 159, 162,
164, 165, 167, 168.
Address of Condolence and Con-
gratulation, 370, 414.
Address to the King, 124, 125,
126, 180, 181, 206, 329, 330,
331, 333, 334, 336, 337, 338,
343, 344-346 (text); see
also Address of Condolence
and Congratulation.
Address and Petitions (of Stamp
Act Congress), x, xxvi, xlv,
xlvii, Ixvii, 94, 180, 181, 206,
335, 343, 353-
Address to the Queen, 124, 125.
Admiralty Courts, Colonial,
Jurisdiction of, 209, 342,
345, 347, 349-
Advertisements, 65.
Agar, James, 47.
Agent, Provincial, xi, xxvii,
xlvi, Iv, Ivi-lvii, Ixvi, Ixix,
90, 91-93, 104-105, 142, 222,
232, 235, 246, 248, 351, 355,
365, 369, 385, 386, 399, 406,
407, 414, 420, 421-428, 430,
454; see also Tobacco, Tax
Agent, Provincial, at London,
From Massachusetts, xl, 7,
8, 18.
From New York, 332, 333.
From South Carolina, xlv,
355; see also Garth,
Agents (Under the £40,000
Act), 64, 65.
Alex[ande]r, Snow, 117.
Alienation Fees, Ixviii, 357-358.
Aliens, Security of Protestant
Purchasers from, xxxv,
xxxvii, 60, 77, 172, 177, 184,
214, 232.
All Faith's Parish (St. Mary's
County), xxvii, Ivii, 51, 60,
62, 73, no, 158, 174, 181,
185, 187, 199, 204, 252, 265-
267 (tcKt).
All Hallows Parish (Anne
Arundel County), xxiv.
All Saints Parish (Frederick
County), xxxi, Ixxi.
Allegiance, Debt of, from colon-
ists to British Crown, 342.
Allein, see Allen.
Allen (Allein), William
(Somerset County), 7, 25,
27, 35, 144, 176; on Comm,
to answer the Upper House
on the Journal of Accounts,
212; sent by the Lower
House, 61, 185; votes, 27,
187, 189, 191, 192, 193, 195,
203, 225, 226, 255, 256, 237,
Allowances, see Salaries; Jurors.
Amerciaments, Use of, Hi, 88,
109, 220, 228, 239, 240.
Americans, Use of term, for all
colonists, 209, 210.
Amherst, Gen. Sir Jeffrey, 120,
121, 123, 125, 126.
Anderson, Thomas, 123.
Andrews, N., 117.
Annapolis, 56.
Aldermen of, 144, 151; see
also Annapolis, Mayor, re-
corder and aldermen of.
Delegates of, Ixiii, 16, 20, 41,
131, 132, 136, 144, 153, 200.
Deputy postmasters of, xl, ao,
Mayor of, Ixiii, 152; see also
Dulany, Walter; Annapolis,
Mayor, recorder and alder-
men of.
Mayor, recorder and aldermen
of, 20, 136, 153.
Petition of the inhabitants of,
xii, xxv, Ixiv, 135-136, 144,
Recorder of, see Dulany,
Daniel; Annapolis, Mayor,
recorder and alderman of.
Anne, Queen, 135, 220, 241.
Anne Arundel County, 309, 311,
Delegates of, 4, 20, 131, 143.
Jail of, 47, 48, 57, 150, 177.
Justices of, 221, 225, 298.
Levy of, 298.
Petition of the inhabitants of,
50, 115, 157.
Sheriff of, 314.
An Answer to the Queries, Ixxi,
Ixii, 409-457.
Answers, Brief, see Brief
Ante-Nuotial Agreements, see
Appointment, Power of, 391.
Apprentices, Act ... to bind
out, xxxv, xxxvi, 73, 75,
171, 177, 184, 199, 204.
Aprons (parts of cannon), 147.
Armed Men, Intimidation of
Assembly by, xi, xxvii,
xxxiii, liii-liv, 221-224, 234.
Armourer, Ixiii, Ixii, 119, 146.
Arms and Ammunition, xxviii,
Ixii-lxiii, 115, 117, 146-148,
233, 429-
Armstrong, William (Dela-
ware), 335.