462 Appendix.
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Act, agreeable to the Inspectors or Warehouse Keepers List; Be it
therefore Enacted, That in any of the Cases aforesaid, the Tobacco
in Charge of any such Skipper, shall be dealt with, lodged, taken
Care of, and secured, in the same Manner as is directed as to
Tobacco, in the like Circumstances, by the said mentioned Act.
Directions as
to Tobacco
delivered out,
when Vessels
cannot stow
the same.
XIII. And be it further Enacted, That where Tobacco shall be
delivered out of any Inspecting House for Exportation, and the ship
or Vessel in which it shall be intended to be exported, shall happen
to be so full that she cannot stow the same, or any Part thereof, the
same Tobacco or such Part thereof as cannot be stored as aforesaid,
may and shall at the Request of the Proprietor thereof, be delivered
and stored in any Warehouse to be erected in virtue of this Act, the
Master of the Ship in which such Tobacco was designed to be ex-
ported, giving immediate Notice thereof to the Inspector or In-
spectors who delivered the same; any Law to the contrary not-
Keepers not
to receive
without the
XIV. Provided always, and be it Enacted, That no Warehouse
Keeper or Keepers shall receive, or be construed to be compellable
to receive any Tobacco into the said Warehouses, to be erected in
virtue of this Act; but where the Consent of the Proprietor of such
Warehouse shall be first obtained and made known to such Ware-
house Keeper or Keepers, and the Proprietor of such Tobacco, and
the Propiretor of such Warehouse, are hereby left to agree together
concrning the same; and all Persons delivering Tobacco at or re-
ceiving Tobacco from any of the said Warehouses, to be erected in
virtue of this Act, shall, and they are hereby obliged to place and
stow the same in such Warehouses at the Delivery, and move and
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take the same out on the Re-delivery thereof, by and at the Direction
of the said Warehouse Keeper or Keepers, and also re-stow an
re-place all Tobacco that may be thereby put out of its Place, and
the said Warehouse Keeper or Keepers, may by virtue of this Act
refuse to give any such Receipt or List, before the same shall be done.
for Forging
XV. And be it further Enacted, That if any Person whatsoever,
shall Forge, Counterfeit, or Alter, any Warehouse Keeper or Keep-
ers Receipt, or offer in Payment any such forged, counterfeited, or
altered Receipt, or publish the same knowing it to be such, every
Person so offending) shall receive Thirty-nine Lashes on his or her
bare Backs, and stand in the Pillory for the Space of Two Hours,
and that the Testimony of the Warehouse Keeper or Keepers, joined
with other strong and corroborating Circumstances, shall and may
be admitted as Evidence.
for wilfully
XVI. And be it further Enacted, That if any Person whatever,
shall wilfully Burn or set Fire to, with Intent to burn any Warehouse,
to be erected in virtue of this Act, whether such Warehouse then hath
any Tobacco therein or not, every such Person being thereof convict
by Confession, or Verdict of a Jury, or peremptorily challenging