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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1764-1765
Volume 59, Page 295   View pdf image
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Acts. 295

other Person being a Planter and well skilled in Tobacco to Act in
his room during the time the said Inspector shall be unable to attend;
the said Person so appointed first taking the Oath of Office and
other Oaths or Affirmation if a Quaker as are directed by the above
recited Act to be taken by Inspectors, and Subscribing the Oath
of Abjuration and repeating and Subscribing the Test and the said
Inspector and his Sureties shall be answerable for the Tobacco
inspected and passed by the Person so by him appointed in the same
manner as if he had Personally Officiated

Liber H. S.
No. 1

And whereas it has been likewise represented to this General As-
sembly that the Salaries allowed by the above recited Act to the
Inspectors at Pomunkey and Chickamuxon Warehouses in Charles
County are too small and inadequate to their Care and Trouble in
their office of Inspectors, Be it enacted by the Authority advice
and Consent aforesaid That for this Present Year and every future

[Some Sal-
aries Aug-

year during the Continuance of the said recited Act there shall be
allowed and paid to each of the Inspectors at the Warehouses afore-
said the sum of eight hundred Pounds of Tobacco over and above
the Salaries allowed to them by the Act aforesaid which said sum of
eight hundred Pounds of Tobacco to each of the Inspectors at Po-
munkey and Chickamuxon Warehouses aforesaid shall be allowed
and paid in the same manner as Inspectors Salaries are allowed and
paid by the said Act,

p. 562

And whereas it is represented to this present General Assembly
that the Warehouse at John Hollands at Bohemia Ferry in Cecil
County is much out of Repair and that So small a Quantity of
Tobacco is there Inspected that the said House has burthened the
County with a large annual expence Be it therefore enacted by and
with the authority advice and Consent aforesaid that the said
Warehouse at John Hollands at Bohemia Ferry in Cecil County
aforesaid shall be and is hereby Suppressed to all Intents and Pur-
poses And that the Inspector appointed to attend the said Ware
House is hereby discharged from his attendance thereon to every
purpose but to deliver out such Tobacco as may be now in the said


And it is further represented to this General Assembly that the
Salaries allowed by the above recited Act, to the Inspectors at Snow
Hill and Newport Warehouses in Worcester County are too large
for the Quantity of Tobacco that comes to the said Warehouses, Be
it Enacted by the Authority advice and Consent aforesaid that there
shall be allowed and paid to the Inspector at Snow Hill Warehouse
the sum of five Thousand Six hundred Pounds of Tobacco, and to the
Inspector at Newport Warehouse the sum of three Thousand two
hundred Pounds of Tobacco in full for their and each of their re-
spective Salaries as Inspectors at Said Warehouses the ensuing year
which sums of Tobacco shall be allowed and paid as other Inspectors


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1764-1765
Volume 59, Page 295   View pdf image
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