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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1764-1765
Volume 59, Page 296   View pdf image
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296 Assembly Proceedings, November 1-December 20, 1765.

Liber H. S.
No. 1

Salaries are in the aforesaid Act, any thing therein contained to the
Contrary Notwithstanding

[If Inspec-
tors refuse
to serve,
others to be

p. 563

And be it further enacted that in Case the Inspector already
nominated and recommended by the Vestry's shall refuse to Serve
as Inspector at either of the abovementioned Warehouses it shall
and may be Lawful for the Person or Persons so refusing to Signifie
the same under his hand to the Vestry of the said Parish where
the refusal shall be or any two of the Vestrymen within Ten days
after the end of this Session of Assembly, who Shall within Ten
days after such Notice given them proceed to Chuse other Inspectors
to Serve at Both or either of the Said Warehouses as the Case
may be in manner and form as is directed by the aforesaid recited
Act in the place and Stead of Such Person or Persons so refusing
as aforesaid

12:th Dec.r 1765
Read and Assented to
By the Lower House of
Signed p order
MMacnemara Clk Lo: Ho:

On Behalf of the Right
Honourable the Lord
Proprietary of this Prov-
ince I Will this be a Law
Hor:o Sharpe Dec.r 1765
Read and Assented to
By the Upper House of
Signed p Order
UScott Clk Up: Ho:

The Great Seal
in Wax App.t

No. 30


An Act to enable the Visitors of Kent County School for the time
being to lease out Part of the Land belonging to the said School
Whereas the Visitors of the said School by their Petition to this
present Assembly have set forth that by an Act of Assembly passed
in the Year seventeen hundred and forty one the Visitors of the
said School for the time being were impowered to lease out one
Moiety of the Land belonging to the said School except ten Acres
on Such Terms as in the said Act was expressed and that the other
Moiety of the said Land is now become a Common and useless to the
said School and pray that they may be to Lease out the other Moiety
of the said School Land or Such part thereof as to them should be
thought convenient (with proper outlets) and so from time to time
as any of the Leases of the said School Land shall happen to expire
to Lease them out anew

[Visitors of
Kent County
School im-
powered to
Lease out

Be it enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary by
and with the advice and consent of his Lordship's Governor and the
Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly and the Authority of the
same That the Visitors of Kent County School for the time being
or the major part of them be and are hereby authorized and im-
powered to divide and lay out any or Such part of the Land belonging
to the said School as to them shall be thought convenient into Lotts
not exceeding the Quantity of three Acres in any one Lot and the
Same so divided to Number and distinguish by the Numbers next
following those already laid out under the above recited Act (with
proper outlets) and to demise and Lease out the Same to the highest

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1764-1765
Volume 59, Page 296   View pdf image
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