276 Assembly Proceedings, November 1-December 20, 1765.
Liber H. S.
No. 1
or Actions against he Owner or Possessor of Such Dog, or Dogs
before any Single Justice of the Peace of the County if fifty Shillings
or under, and if upwards in the County Court of the County where
the Damage was done, if the owner or Possessor aforesaid shall not
reside in another County within this Province and if he or she shall
reside in another County before a Single Justice of the County
[Such dam-
ages how
wherein he or she shall reside, if fifty Shillings or under or if above
that Sum in the County Court of the County wherein the said
Owner or Possessor shall reside, and recover the same with Costs
of Suit.
[Penalty for
Bitches, to
go at large]
p. 544
And be it further Enacted that if the owner or keeper of any
Bitch, shall whilst she is proud or in Heat, Suffer her to go at Large
from the Limits of his her or their own plantation or Tenement
or the plantation or Tenement whereon he, she, or they usually keep
such Bitch, such owner or keeper shall forfeit and pay the sum of
twenty Shillings Current Money for every such offence to be re-
covered before a Single Justice of the Peace with Costs, and in Case
of small Debts, one half thereof to the Informer, the other half to
be paid to the Sheriff of the County for the same Uses as the Tax
raised by Virtue of this Act.
[Dogs wor-
rying Sheep,
Hogs, &c.
may be
And be it further Enacted that if any Person or Persons shall find
any Dog killing or Worrying or running after and pursuing his her
or their Sheep Hogs or other Stock within their own Inclosures,
it shall and may be Law full for them immediately to kill the same
Dog or Dogs, and if it Can be proved by any disinterested Evidence
that such Dog had before killed or Worried any Sheep Hogs or
other stock as aforesaid, and the same Came to the knowledge of
the owner or possessor thereof then and in such Case it sjiall and
may be Law full for the Person or Persons injured to get the Value
of the Sheep or Damages Certified as above and commence his or
their Action for the Recovery thereof as aforesaid,
hunting on
Lands, &c.
with Dogs,
forfeit 20 s]
And whereas it may often happen, that Sheep or Hogs may be
killed and Destroyed by Idle, loose or disorderly Persons hunting
and Rambling about on other peoples Lands with a Dog or Dogs;
Be it Enacted By the Authority Advice and consent aforesaid, That
if any Idle, loose or disorderly Person shall be hereafter seen hunting
or Strolling about with a Dog or Dogs upon any Persons Land
without the Owners Leave; he shall forfeit and pay the sum of
Twenty Shillings Current Money for every such offence to be
recovered before a Single Justice of the Peace by Warrant as in
case of small Debts with Costs, one half thereof to the Informer,
the other half to be paid to the Justice before whom such recovery
shall be had and to be by him paid over to the Sheriff of the County
for the same Uses as the Tax raised by Virtue of this Act.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that the
Sheriffs of each County shall keep an exact account of all the