Acts. 275
their hands as they are by Law obliged to give in their Taxables,
and return two fair Lists thereof to every August Court with the
Constables Lists one to be lodged with the Clerk of the County the
other to be delivered, to the Sheriff, who is by this Act impowered
and obliged to Collect the money aforesaid in, the same manner that
the County Levy is collected; And if any Person or Persons shall
conceal or deny that he she or they have property in or kept any
Liber H. S.
No. 1
such Dog or Dogs or hath or have permitted or Suffered the Same
to be kept as aforesaid and the Constable hath reason to believe
the Contrary it shall and may be Lawfull for him and he is hereby
Commanded to give in the name or names of the Person or Persons
so offending or Supposed to have offended to some one Justice of
the Peace of the respective County who is hereby authorized and
impowered, directed, and required to Summon such Person or Per-
sons at a Day and place by him prefixed and there to examine such
Person or Persons touching such Complaint and upon its Appearing
by Sufficient and disinterested Testimony to be True the said Justice
shall give Judgment and grant execution if need be for the sum of
twenty shillings for every Dog so concealed or denied belonging to
or Continuing at the House of the said Party or parties ten days next
before the Information of Such Constable with Costs one half of the
said twenty Shillings to the Constable aforesaid the other half to be
paid to the Sheriff of the County for the same Uses as the Tax
raised by Virtue of this Act,
p. 543
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That when
any Person or Persons within this Province shall have Sustained
Damage by Dogs of any kind, age or Size, killing or Wounding his
her or their Sheep it shall and may be Lawfull for him her or them
to call in two Neighbouring Freeholders of good Credit not being
related to the Person or Persons Injured who are hereby impowered
to view the sheep so killed or Hurt, and if it shall Appear upon
positive or Circumstantial Proof to their Satisfaction that they were
killed or Wounded by Dogs only, then the said Freeholders shall
Certifie the same with the True and real value of the Sheep or
Damages Sustained and the Number killed or hurt under their hands.
done by
Dogs, how
to be reme-
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that when
ever any Sheep within this Province shall be killed or Hurt by any
Dog or Dogs and it is known whose Dog or Dogs it was or were
that did the Mischief if the owner or possessor of Such Dog or
Dogs shall neglect or Refuse to kill the Same twenty four hours after
notice given thereof or to make Satisfaction to the Person or Persons
so injured, after demand made, it shall and may be Lawfull for the
Person or Persons so injured to Get the value of the Sheep, or the
Damages certified by two Creditable Freeholders as aforesaid whose
Certificate shall be deemed and held to be Sufficient Evidence of the
Fact Certified as aforesaid, and commence his, her, or their Action
[Sheep kill'd
or hurt by
Dogs, the
damage to be
made good
by the
Owner of
such Dogs]