Provided also that nothing in this Act shall extend or be con-
strued or charge or make liable the Bail in any Action so dis-
continued or the Bail or sureties bound by Recognizance for the ap-
pearance of any Person or Persons criminally prosecuted at the said
March Court one Thousand Seven hundred and Sixty four and on
which Recognizance no Default was then entered but such Bail and
Sureties shall be in the same State and condition as if this Act had
never been made
[Proviso in
regard to
And be it further enacted that in Case where the said Actions so
discontinued or any of them were brought and prosecuted within
the Time limitted by Law and the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs Defendant
or Defendants hath or have died since such Discontinuance or shall
die before the said next march Court to be held for the said County
it shall and may be Lawfull for the said Plaintiff or Plaintiffs his
her or their Executors or Administrators to bring his her or their
said Action or Actions anew against the said Defendant or De-
fendants his her or their Executors or Administrators respectively
as the Case may require and to prosecute the same with Effect and
shall not be barred in such Action or Actions by any Act of Limita-
tion provided such new Action or Actions shall be commenced on
or before the first Day of August which shall be in the year of our
Lord one Thousand seven hundred and Sixty Six.
[In case of
ance or
Plaintiffs, or
their Execu-
tors, &c. may
bring Ac-
tions anew]