he charge the Record.g Proprietary Settlements or the Petitions of
private Persons or Parishes to the Public? Or under what Rule in
the Inspection Law with Regard to Matters of a private suppose it
extendable to those of a public Concern can the Charge of 30,600.lb
of Tobo for making out 204 Inspectors Comisons (properly War-
rants) be justified? If the Rule of 9.lb of Tobo by the Side was to
be adopted w,th Regard to the Inspectors Warrants as it has been
with Respect to the other Charges in the Account those Warrants
would not come to 18.lb of Tobo each. If the Sentiments of those
who occupied the Stations we are now placed in at the Time the
Necessity of the Governors Warrants to the Inspectors was first
created could be consulted there can be little Doubt in whose Favour
those Sentiments would be and this is evidenced by their excluding
the Necessity of the Great Seal or Issuing a Commission and of
Consequence the Charges that are now trumped up ag.t the Public
besides your Honours from your Acquaintance with the History of
that Part of the Inspection Law w.ch alone makes the Appointment
of Inspectors by the Gov.r necessary well know that very diff.t
Motives than an Increase of Duty or Fees to the Clk of the Council
Actuated the Legislature at that Time. Under what Idea of Justice
y,r Honours countenanced the Cha.s for Days Attendance Amount8
in the whole to 9600.lb of Tobo we cannot conceive; as for any Thing
that appears to us or we believe to the contrary the Days Attendance
and the paTlar Services done in those Days are both extended and
consequently are double Cha.s From the indistinct Manner of Stating
the Account it is possible we may be mistaken in this as from the
same Reason we might probably be if we were to form any Guesses
whe.r the Service as performed by the Clk of the Council for which
he has a Claim upon the Public except the One before particularized
are or are not in any Respect connected with the private Concerns of
L.d Balt.re
Your Honours from hence with very little Trouble to your Selves
may be ascertained that making only the Deductions of those Charges
and Excesses that are so evidently unjust with Respect to the Public