Post Meridiem
The House met According to Adjournment
Cap.t Joseph Chapline a Delegate returned to serve in this As-
sembly for Frederick County M.r Woolman Gibson a Delegate re-
turned for Talbot County M.r John and M.r William Adams Dele-
gates returned for Somerset County Appeared in the House
Ordered that M.r Edmunson M.r Chaille and M:r Fielder Ganntt
do go with those Gentlemen to the Upper House to see them qualified,
they return and Acquaint M.r Speaker that the Gentlemen were quali-
fied in the usual Manner by taking the several Oaths to the Govern-
ment required by Law by Subscribing the Oath of Abjuration
repeating and Signing the Test
The Gentlemen took their Seats in the House
On Motion Resolved That Col:o Tilghman William Murdock Esq :r
and Thomas Ringgold Esq:r be a Committee to meet the Committees
from the Houses of Representatives or Burgesses of the several
British Colonies on this Continent at the City of New York on the
first Tuesday of October next for the purposes mentioned in the said
Letter of the 8:th of June
On Motion Ordered that James Hollyday Esq:r Thomas Johnson
Esq:r Edmund Key Esq:r M.r J: Goldsborough John Hammond
Esq:r Daniel Wolstenholme Esq:r and M:r John Hanson Jun:r be a