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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1764-1765
Volume 59, Page 155   View pdf image
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The Lower House. 155

After the Word notwithstanding in the last Line of the second
page insert the following proviso
Provided also that the respective Sheriffs of the Counties afore-
said shall be first paid and satisfied their Imprisonment Fees before
any Creditor or Creditors shall have or receive any Share or part
of the Estates of the said prisoners respectively or of the produce
After the Word Sheriffs in the Line of the last Page leave out
the Residue of that enacting Clause and insert as follows in Manner
following paid and satisfied (that is to say) After Satisfaction of
the aforesaid Imprisonment Fees that the Estate and Interest of the
aforesaid prisoners respectively upon which their Judgment Creditors
or any claiming or that shall claim under them by Assignment or
otherwise have or shall have any Lien or the produce thereof shall
be in the first place after Satisfaction of the Sheriffs as aforesaid
applied to the Discharge of the said Creditors according to the Order
and priority of their Judgments and the Lien arising therefrom and
that the Residue of the Estate and Interest of the said prisoners

L. H. J.

Liber No. 52
Nov. 14

respectively or the Produce thereof shall be distributed among all
their Creditors that shall apply therefore within thirty Days after
the aforesaid Sale in equal proportion to their Demands And be it
further enacted by the Authority aforesaid that if any of the persons
intended by this Act to be relieved are and shall be of sufficient
Ability of Body to labour such person or persons not having a Wife
or Family shall be and are hereby obliged to serve for a Time not
exceeding five Years to any person or persons who are or shall be
inclined to purchase the Time or Servitude of such Debtor or Debtors
and that the respective Sheriffs in whose Custody the aforesaid
persons or any of them are be and are hereby authorized & obliged
at the first County Court to be held at their respective Countys next
after the End of this Session and during the Time of Court Sitting
by Order of such Court to publish the Sale of such Debtor and the
Time of his or her Servitude and the same may and are hereby
obliged to sell and dispose of to the highest Bidder and the Money
arising from such Sale shall be as Effects of such Debtor in the
Hands of the respective Sheriffs subject as aforesaid to a Distribu-
tion in Manner aforesaid and the Sale and Service of such Debtor as
aforesaid is hereby directed to be taken as a full and sufficient
Acquital and Discharge against all Debts due from such Debtor
before such Sale and Service as aforesaid any thing to the Contrary
And the petitions of several languishing Prisoners in the County
Goals of this province and the petitions of Capt.n W.m M.cClellen
Capt.n Evan Shelby and of Mary Covington Administratrix of
Philip Covington of Somerset County deceased severally Indorsed

p. 278

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1764-1765
Volume 59, Page 155   View pdf image
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