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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1764-1765
Volume 59, Page 154   View pdf image
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154 Assembly Proceedings, November 1-December 20, 1765.

L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
Nov. 14

J. Goldsborough Col.o Travers and Mr Selby be added to the Com-
mittee of Grievances and Courts of Justice
The petition of the Inspectors of Pomunkey Warehouse in Charles
County praying to have their Salary encreased One thousand six
hundred pounds of Tobacco to each Inspector was read and granted
and on Motion the Salarys of the Inspectors at Chickamuxon were
Ordered to be encreased in like Manner
Ordered that Mr Hanson Mr Smallwood Mr Edmunson M.r H.
Hollyday do prepare and bring in a Bill accordingly

On Reading the Second Time the petition of the Inhabitants of
Baltimore Town in Baltimore County praying An Act may pass the
Legislative Body of this province to make Valid a Lease obtained
by the said petitioners from a certain Thomas Harrison and for the
Regulation of a Market in the said Town.
Ordered that M.r J Hall Mr Lee M.r Cockey Deye Samuel Chase
and J. Hollyday do examine and enquire into the Allegations
and Facts contained in the said petition and report the same to the
On Motion of Mr Selby Leave is given to bring in a Bill for the
Relief of Insolvent Debtors
Ordered that Mr Selby J. Hollyday S. Wilson E. Key and Thomas
Ringgold do prepare and bring in a Bill accordingly
M.r Hanson brings in and delivers to Mr Speaker a Bill for the
Benefit of the poor and Encouragement of Industry which was read
the first Time and Ordered to lye on the Table
Daniel Dulany Esq.r from the Upper House delivers to Mr Speaker
the Bill Entitled An Act for the Relief of several languishing prison-
ers in the Goals therein mentioned
Indorsed By the Upper House of Assembly Nov.r 1765
Read the second Time and will pass with the Amendments Annexed
Signed by Order UScott Cl. Up. Ho.

and the following Message Viz
By the Upper House of Assembly Nov.r 1765.
Upon your Agreeing to the Amendments proposed by us we will
give our Assent to the Bill Entituled An Act for the Relief of certain
languishing prisoners in the several Goals therein mentioned; Since
we received that Bill several petitions of prisoners have been laid
before us and as they seem to us to be equally Objects proper to be
relieved we send the petitions to you that their Names if you think
proper may be inserted in the Bill.
Signed by Order UScott Cl Up. Ho.

and the following Amendments Viz

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1764-1765
Volume 59, Page 154   View pdf image
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