By the Upper House of Assembly referred to the Consideration of
the Lower House
Which petitions were severally read here the first Time and Or-
dered to lye on the Table
The House adjourns 'till two of the Clock
Post Meridiem
The House met
Samuel Chamberlayne Esq.r from the Upper House delivers to
Mr Speaker the following Message Viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly Nov.r 1765
This is attended with two petitions from Baltimore and Worcester
Countys desiring that the Inhabitants of those Countys may be re-
lieved from the great & heavy Charge arising from the Allowances
made for the Maintenance and Support of the poor
The Burthen occasioned by our present Method of providing for
the poor is generally felt & complained of and we could wish to see
better Regulation of this Matter universally introduced into this
province Upon having Recourse to the last Years Levy Lists re-
turned to the Clerk of the Council for ten Countys only (the Returns
from the Counties of Frederick St Marys Worcester and Queen Ann
not having been made) we find the Amount of the poors Rate therein
including Sheriffs Commission to be One Million three hundred seven
thousand six hundred and fforty two pounds of Tobacco
Whether the Erection of Workhouses and Houses of Correction
in all the Counties would not give great Relief to the Inhabitants in
the Annual Levies afford a more regular and better applied Pro-
vision for the poor Check the Disorders committed by common
Beggars and idle Vagabonds and lay a Foundation for useful In-
dustry we refer to your Consideration
Signed by Order UScott Clk Up. Ho.
And a petition of the Inhabitants of Baltimore County and a
petition of the Magistrates and sundry of the Inhabitants of Worces-
ter County praying to have a House for the Reception of the poor
and a Workhouse erected in said Counties Indorsed By the Upper
House referred to the Consideration of the Lower House which
petitions were here read and Ordered to lye on the Table
Benedict Calvert Esq.r from the Upper House delivers to Mr
Speaker a petition of Ann Ogle of Annapolis Widow Benjamin
Tasker Esq.r and John Hammond Esq.r praying Leave to bring in
a Bill to sell two Tracts of Land laying in Ann Arundel County
the One called Hickory Ridge containing 260 Acres the other
called Green Land containing 100 Acres