An Act to prevent the Mischiefs arising from the Multiplicity of
useless Dogs, and other Purposes therein mentioned.
An Act for the Relief of certain languishing Prisoners in the
several Goals therein mentioned.
A Supplementary Act to the Act entitled an Act for the Limitation
of certain Actions for avoiding suits at Law.
An Act to Vest the Title of and in certain Lands in John Ham-
mond Esquire, and for other Purposes therein mentioned.
An Act to establish a Road from Hunting Creek in Dorchester to
Dover in Talbot County.
An Act continuing an Act entitled an Act for the Relief of such
Persons as cannot find Surety for their Appearance to testifie as a
Witness ag.t any Person Arrested, or Prosecuted for any Criminal
An Act continuing an Act entitled an Act to enable the several &
respective County Clerks within this Province to remove some of the
County Records and Papers from the Public Offices.
An Act continuing an Act entitled an Act for the More effectual
Punishment of Negroes, and other Slaves, and for taking away the
Benefit of Clergy from certain Offenders; And a Supplementary
Act to An Act entitled an Act to prevent the tumultuous Meeting &
other Irregularities of Negroes & other Slaves & for directing the
Manner of trying Slaves.
An Act continuing an Act entitled a Supplementary Act to an
Act entitled an Act laying an Imposition on Negroes & several Sorts
of Liquors imported, and also on Irish Servants to prevent the im-
porting too great a Number of Irish Papists into this Province.
An Act continuing an Act entitled an Act to make the Testimoney
of convicted Persons legal against Convicted Persons.
An Act continuing an Act entitled an Act for the more effectual
Punishment of certain Offenders & for taking from them the Benefit
of Clergy.
An Act cont.g an Act Ent.d an additional & explanatory Act to
the Act entitled an Act empowering the Commiss :rs of the County
Courts to levy & raise Tobacco to defray the necessary Charges of
their Counties & Parishes.