Inconveniencies attending the Sale of strong Liquors & Running of
Horse Races near the Yearly Meetings of the People called Quakers
and to prevent the Tumultuous Concourse of Negroes and other
Slaves during the said Meetings.
An Act continuing an Act entitled an Act to exempt Persons
appearing at Musters from Arrests in Civil Cases.
An Act continuing an Act entitled an Act for the Punishment of
Horse Stealers & other Offenders.
An Act continuing an Act entitled an Act for repairing the Public
Roads in this Province, & the Supplementary Act thereto.
An Act continuing an Act entitled an additional Supplementary
Act to the Act entitled an Act relating to Servants and Slaves.
A Supplementary Act to the Act entitled an Act for amending
the Staple of Tobacco for preventing Frauds in his Majestys Cus-
toms & for the Limitation of Officers Fees.
An Act to enable the Visitors of Kent County School for the
Time being to Lease out part of the Land belonging to the said
A Supplementary Act to the Act entitled an Act for building a
Church in St James Parish in Ann Arundel County.
An Act for erecting a new Parish in Kent County called Chester
Parish & for building a Parish Church & enlarging a Chapel of Ease
within the said new Parish.
An Act to encrease the Allowance of Jurors attending the Pro-
vincial & County Courts & for other Purposes therein mentioned.
An Act to confirm a Lease made by Thomas Harrison of Balti-
more County for Part of a Lot of Land therein mentioned lying in
Baltimore Town in said County to the Commissioners of the said
Town & their Successors & to establish a Market in the said Town &
for the Regulation of the said Market.
An Act for destroying Crows & Squirrels in particular Counties
and of Red Foxes in Kent and Queen Anns Counties
An Act for the speedy and effectual Publication of the Laws of
this Province and tor the Encouragement of Jonas Green of the City
of Annapolis Printer.
An Act for laying out a new and settling and ascertaining the
future Bounds and Limits of St Lukes, Christ Church, and St Johns
Parishes in Queen Ann's County, and of St Pauls Parish lying partly
in Queen Anns and partly in Talbot County